VRO and premix ??


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 28, 2001
Ok boys<br /><br />Just got my brand new Clymer manual from Amazon .com in the USA. (Quicker and cheaper than in the UK ) <br /><br />I was reading it in bed last night and it says I can run my 70hp Evinrude VRO with the oil pump connected AND a premix of 50:1.<br /><br />I woke the wife up to verify that I hadn't misread it. <br /><br />Why would I do this ???


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 21, 2001
Re: VRO and premix ??

If you run premix and oil injection at the same time, you are doubling up on the oil. This sounds like a new engine break in procedure to me, after the break in period you only nee to run one or the other.


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 9, 2001
Re: VRO and premix ??

Grandx you nailed this one. I also read about vro and premix for my 70hp evinrude, and it was for break in only. Funny....I used a 100:1 premix....now why would I do that? Oh yeah vro's collecting dust in the back corner of the garage.


Oct 3, 2001
Re: VRO and premix ??

Ditto gents...I believe its also an accepted practice if you open the oiling system (for whatever reason), replace components or even to determine if the pump is delivering a volume.


Seaman Apprentice
Oct 1, 2001
Re: VRO and premix ??

I have an OMC (150 hp) and I mix oil in my<br />tank at 4oz./10 gal. in correlation with my<br />VRO. The detergents in the oil help the<br />gas and it's a safety factor,(idle speed only)if the VRO goes out. This plan was<br />recommended to me and I've been doing this<br />for 12 yrs., and it works great. I'm always<br />open for suggestions if someone has a better<br />idea.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 28, 2001
Re: VRO and premix ??

I like the sound of Sandy's solution.<br /><br />Unfortunately ounces became extinct in England some time ago.<br /><br />Anybody know the ratio of Sandy's mix. ???


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 21, 2001
Re: VRO and premix ??

Sandy is from Texas, so I will assume we are talking about US oz and gal, and not UK measures. 10 gal gas/4 oz oil is a ratio of 320:1, not much detail in the post, maybe the oil is to stabilize the fuel somewhat, but this certainly is not enough oil to lubricate the engine if the oiling system fails. Another post states he runs 100:1 with no oiling system attached, this also will burn up your engine, I think he meant 25:1 during break in now probably running 50:1 since. Not sure of your question Philby, I'm a little slow sometimes, if you don't have your answer yet ask again.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 28, 2001
Re: VRO and premix ??

Grandx<br /><br />The problem is I have no problem. <br /><br />Until I found this forum I have been quite happily running my VRO for years without a care in the world. Fishing , skiing, floating about.<br /><br />I have not read anything good about VRO, and now I am a nervous wreck waiting for it to fail. <br /><br />The thing works well. Am I the only one ??


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 21, 2001
Re: VRO and premix ??

I see Philby, let me tell you a little story. My boat originally had two 175 HP Mariners 85 models with oil injection, ran fine until submersed in the ocean in 2000 (15 years). Never a problem with the oil injection. Then bought two rebuilt 150's and was asked by the mechanic if I wanted to disconnect the oil injection (he reccomended disconnecting), so I asked around and got about 50:50 responses to leave it/disconnect it. The alarm on mercs lets you know when you are low on oil, it does not let you know if it is not going through the crank case. If you are indeed worried about it and losing sleep over it, have the VRO disconnected and mix your fuel at the pump like I do, it takes a little longer to fuel up, but you'll not have to worry about the VRO when you should be sleeping. They say you'll never have a oil injection problem twice, once is all it takes, after rebuilding the engine you'll have it disconnected. I could have gone either way, but as usual I went the safer way... I'm not sure the fish are easier to catch than the women, seem both are quite difficult for me... best of luck.


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 9, 2001
Re: VRO and premix ??

Let me correct my last post. You are right the mix was 25:1 not 100:1. Whew that's all I need now is not enough oil. And the 25:1 was break in after rebuild...because of (VRO?). I never reconnected it to see if the pump failed. I am not in so much of a hurry to put a little oil my gas. That's just my opinion after educating myself a bit. With a lot of that coming from this board! Thanks Guys and Gals