volvo wont go like it should. HULK ANGRY!


Jun 19, 2007
1978 volvo penta aq130d/280

Took it out for the first time. Starts right up and idles fine. Goes into reverse fine. Give it throttle to the first position and still fine. I ran at this speed for several minutes to get engine temp up. If I increase throttle it falls on it's face and will die if I do not return throttle to first position/idle. Sometimes it will run at WOT position without dying, but does not have even 50% power and surges. If I put to half throttle or so it will start to sputter and die, but if I quicky pull back trottle a small amount it will gain some power. Using this technique I was almost able to get it on plane.

Over the course of about an hour in seemed to get better until it just quit and would not restart for several minutes, acting as if it was flooded.

Any ideas on what else I should check?


Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: volvo wont go like it should. HULK ANGRY!

The first thing you need to do is get over being mad at it. It's an engine and needs some repairs.
Have you done anything to check it out? Have you done a tuneup? Carb repairs, adjustments, testing, anything?????


Jun 19, 2007
Re: volvo wont go like it should. HULK ANGRY!

The first thing you need to do is get over being mad at it. It's an engine and needs some repairs.
Have you done anything to check it out? Have you done a tuneup? Carb repairs, adjustments, testing, anything?????

I just do not want to throw money at the wrong system is all(fuel vs. ignition). I was hoping that somebody(esp you, Don S) might be able to point me in the right direction from the problem description. Sure, I could replace every electrical component, rebuild the carbs, swap out the fuel, etc and that would likely fix it, just like I could shoot a butterfly with a shotgun--I was just hoping to only fix what is actually broken.

What troubleshooting do ya recommend? I am currently working on stopping a leak at the thermostat housing and I am going to order a volvo repair manual as soon as I can get the part number as my local volvo dealer is being difficult in this regard and states that all I will ever need is the clymer/seloc manual........

Once I get the the cooling system leak fixed I will get to troubleshooting, I was just hoping for some advice as to what system to pursue.


Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: volvo wont go like it should. HULK ANGRY!

A tuneup is not throwing money at it for no reason, it is something that should be done every year on every boat engine. (see the top post in this forum), that way you can eleminate any ignition problems and will know the dwell, and timing and advance timing are on, plus the points are firing and the plugs aren't all oil soaked from fogging oil.
You would also know if compression was a problem if you did a compression test. Then you can start into the fuel system if the problem still exists.
You could also look into the carb with the engine not running and operate the trottle and see if the accelerator pumps are working.
As most on this site will tell you, the Clymers and Seloc manuals all cover a lot of engines, and not very well on any of them. Lots of general information with little specific information on one particular engine.
Here is a link to a posssible place for OEM manuals.


Jun 19, 2007
Re: volvo wont go like it should. HULK ANGRY!

Thanks Don S,

So what are the things I should replace at a minimum? Plugs, cap, rotor, points, condensor? Wires are $100, so I'm hoping you don't so to change those:D

I will order the volvo manual from the link you proviced.

I called my local volvo dealer again this morning and it seems that they do not agree that I have an aq130d--they acted as if this did not exist and insisted that i must have an aq131d. Whats the difference? I told them the year was 1978.

One thing to note is that the stock mechanical fuel pump has been bypassed and replaced with an electric one. The previous owner states that it ran fine for years with the electric fuel pump. I looked up the price for the stock pump and its $334, so I certainly understand replacing it with a electric one. Is running an electric pump that bad?

Thanks again!

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: volvo wont go like it should. HULK ANGRY!

The 131's have an overhead cam and timing belt, while the 130's are overhead valve. Plus, the 130's were used up to 78, while the 131's were used from 87 to 89.