Volvo SX Tilt/Trim Problem


May 27, 2004
Since I bought a new boat, my 2003 Glastron with 5.0 engine and SX drive has been sitting waiting for a buyer. Since January. A couple times, I have started it on muffs and warmed it up to operating temperature. Never messed with the shift or trim. Yesterday, I started it up, then tried to shift into forward and reverse. No go. I was able to fix that by lubricating the cable. But:

I tried to raise the drive and it won't move. No motor noise and if I keep the switch engaged, the 50 amp breaker on the engine trips. I can see on the volt meter that it's drawing current because the voltage drops. I had to leave it to do something else, besides, it was near 100 degrees outside.

I'm thinking the pump motor is stuck or jammed and not turning. Any hints or suggestions?

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Volvo SX Tilt/Trim Problem

Unless there is a lot of water in the trim pump reservoir, I would suspect either a short in the wiring to the pump, or the pump motor is froze up due to corrosion. You boat in salt water?


May 27, 2004
Re: Volvo SX Tilt/Trim Problem

Unless there is a lot of water in the trim pump reservoir, I would suspect either a short in the wiring to the pump, or the pump motor is froze up due to corrosion. You boat in salt water?

Yep, salt water.

My Seloc manual suggests connecting the motor directly to the battery for testing. It doesn't suggest a fuse or circuit breaker, I guess you're supposed to figure that out for yourself. It also says to raise the drive up using the tilt switch before removing the pump. If I could do that I wouldn't be working on it.

Can the motor be removed without removing the entire pump assembly? Is there a way tu "unstick" it like there is with a macerator?


May 27, 2004
Re: Volvo SX Tilt/Trim Problem

Yep, salt water.

My Seloc manual suggests connecting the motor directly to the battery for testing. It doesn't suggest a fuse or circuit breaker, I guess you're supposed to figure that out for yourself. It also says to raise the drive up using the tilt switch before removing the pump. If I could do that I wouldn't be working on it.

Can the motor be removed without removing the entire pump assembly? Is there a way tu "unstick" it like there is with a macerator?


A little "percussive maintenance" freed it up. For how long, I don't know. I'll run it every couple of days just to be sure.