Volvo Penta starting Problem


Feb 10, 2008
I have a 78 skipjack with a volvo penta 305 chevy engine that had a starter without a bendix on top.It had a solenoid like for the firewall mount on it. It just clicked once when I turned the key.
Now i bought a new starter and it has the solenoid with the bendix right on top.
I have a yellow that was mounted to the SW and the purple was mounted to the (I) terminal and of course the reds on the big terminal on the old starter.
The new starter has an S and an R on the small terminals.I hooked the yellow to the S and the purple to the R and the reds to the main term.
I get nothing when I turn the key.Not even a click.I even tried switching the yellow and purple and nothing.
I can jump it by crossing the S termional to the Big Term but thats it.The key does nothing. Can Anyone Help me here?
Also,where can I get a wiring diagram for a 1978 SkipJack 20 ft ? thanks


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Volvo Penta starting Problem


I've Never iin my life seen a starter for a Chevy without a starter mounted solenoid,....
I don't know how your Boat is wired......
The starter you have Now,....
The Little lug closest to the block is the Exciter lug... The 1 that powers the starter.....
The little lug away from the block by-passes power to the Igntion, or fuelpump, or Whatever needs full 12V power to Start the motor..... It goes Dead after the starter is released....

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Volvo Penta starting Problem

Yes Bondo, the Volvo AQ200A-C models had a starter without a solenoid.
Deep, you will have to do some rewiring to get the new style starter to work correctly. You may also need (recommended) to make the old starter solenoid a slave solenoid, since the new starter solenoid pulls more power than just the small solenoid.
Might have a look at this thread and it may help you figure out how to rewire your system to the newer style.