hi gang. new guy with a first post, if this site is 1/2 as good as my saab bulletin board, i'm sure i'll be learning quite a bit.<br /><br />new used boat 4 cyl volvo (i think 125A) that has started like a champ for the 2 weeks i've owned it. on a cool morning yesterday it was having issues holding an idle and on the 5th start it doesn't appear to be getting any spark?<br /><br />if volvo/penta is like my saab there should be tricks to look for, what are they?<br /><br />she turns over great and i'll be replacing the semi worn cap/rotor/plugs/wires tomorrow.<br /><br />failure model? coil? i've read of mercury's have neutral interupts? what's that and does it apply? fuses? <br /><br />help!<br /><br />thanks gain. email me shawn@carboncow.com if you like.<br />shawn