Re: Volvo penta model ID
That red thing is kind of like a radiator. Inside there is antifreeze and a heat exchanger that circulates raw water to cool the antifreeze which is circulated to cool the engine. If you plan on doing major watersports, that engine is probably rated around 120 hp, which will not have loads of power to spare for that boat.
What caught my eye the most was the leaves on the engine, which indicates that the boat has been stored outdoors, and therefore you should really look for rot. Chech the transom, stringers and floor for rott. If the boat was neglected, it probably has some rott.
The Volvo outdrive is a good outdrive and should not give you problems. However you should really think about the power and potential rott problems if you are considering buying this boat. Better yet have it surveyed, that way you will not get any surprises.
Good luck and have a great day,