volvo penta AQ 131a


Apr 24, 2006
i recently purched a 17.5 ft caprice older boat and it has a volvo AQ 131a motor in it. The motor is bad. The motor cranks over but there isnt enought compression 60 60 50 40 and i am in search of a new one. I have looked all over the internet and is very hard to find this exact motor. I was wondering what other types of motors can i use if that is possible i have a chevy sm block 350 can that be motified to fit the penta outdrive. If not what type of motor can i just drop into the boat without any modifications. will any 4 cyl volvo motor work like the 124 151 171. thanks

Mischief Managed

Lieutenant Commander
Dec 6, 2005
Re: volvo penta AQ 131a

I'm afraid I have none of the answers you are looking for but I do know that rings, gaskets and bearings are really cheap... Even if you put new pistons in it, you are not looking at a whole lot of money for a rebuild. I rebuilt an AQ125A for very little money 5 years ago. Did the labor myself and it was pathetically easy. I still see the old boat around (I sold it locally 4 years ago) so I'm pretty sure it still runs.


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 15, 2003
Re: volvo penta AQ 131a

Best bet is to rebuild, which isn't too hard if you do a lot of it yourself.. Send the block or heads out. You need to find out where you are losing compression. could be a bad head gasket if all those numbers are that low. I tore my 125 completely down except the crank and pistons. If you can do that work it's really easy to get to that point. <br /><br />Upgrading to your other engine requires a new drive. The gear ratios will be all wrong for an 8 cyl. You could regear the drive, but that's expensive work. Buy another and sell yours. But then you have the issues of the transom shield and exhaust pipes. Very expensive again. Any we havin't even gotten into marinizineg the motor and putting a marine cam in it..<br /><br />Best bet. stick with that motor and get it going. Once you do they are bullet proof. find out WHY the compression is bad. May not be as severe as you think.<br /><br />-Mike


Apr 24, 2006
Re: volvo penta AQ 131a

thanks for the info i think i definetly go with either rebuilding the motor or trying to find the same one


May 2, 2003
Re: volvo penta AQ 131a

In the car world, that's a 2.3L rubberband motor - very common in volvo cars of the same era albeit marinised.