Alright. I?ve been doing my homework on this project for a couple weeks and I think its time to come on here and get some advice.
1998 Four Winns Horizon RX
Volvo Penta 3.0 I4 SX out drive
Open cooling system
Brief history: Bought this boat as an upgrade from my 94 three seat jet boat. The add read ?runs but engine needs work?. Being a shade tree mechanic and feeling it was a good deal no matter what, I got it.
What I got from the previous owner: Had it out about eight times this summer. Last time it was out it got hot. The engine was shut off until cool and then idled backed to dock.
What I have found:
The engine would turn over but would not crank. And by not crank it would fire once or twice and then die and sounded like it was missing.
Compression readings were 140psi, 140psi, 140psi, and 120psi
Spark plugs were wet.
There is water in the oil.
Original prediction: Blown head gasket due to overheating cause by a failure in the cooling system.
Last weekend I took the head off to inspect everything.
Things noted from head removal:
First, I found a 2 inch bolt in the hose that runs from the thermostat to the water pump on the block. (I suspect an idiot has been working on this motor)
Next, I notice quite a bit on mud and crap in the combination manifold.
The head gasket looked pretty good, no obvious signs of failure.
There seemed to be some bolts that were newer than others on the manifold. (again, I don?t think this is the first time this has been taken apart)
Last from what I could see the cylinder walls looked good. Although there is nothing on the crank pulley for me to put a wrench on to turn it over so I?m only looking at the tops of the cylinders)
My feeling are: Priority one, see if the block is cracked, if it is game over. If the block is not cracked how is water getting in the oil. Is the manifold cracked, head warped, what..? once that is determined fine the cause of overheating i.e. bad thermostat, impeller etc.
My budget for this project is $1000 to get it running well and I?d like to get this resolved before the temperature drops below freezing.
My questions as of now:
What is your opinion?
Where do you think I should go from here?
Will I be fine bumping the starter to moved the cylinders for further inspection? Is there another way to turn that fauker over?
Will a visual inspection of the cylinder walls be enough or should I do something more like magnaflux?
Sorry for the long post, hope you guys can enlighten me with some wisdom.
1998 Four Winns Horizon RX
Volvo Penta 3.0 I4 SX out drive
Open cooling system
Brief history: Bought this boat as an upgrade from my 94 three seat jet boat. The add read ?runs but engine needs work?. Being a shade tree mechanic and feeling it was a good deal no matter what, I got it.
What I got from the previous owner: Had it out about eight times this summer. Last time it was out it got hot. The engine was shut off until cool and then idled backed to dock.
What I have found:
The engine would turn over but would not crank. And by not crank it would fire once or twice and then die and sounded like it was missing.
Compression readings were 140psi, 140psi, 140psi, and 120psi
Spark plugs were wet.
There is water in the oil.
Original prediction: Blown head gasket due to overheating cause by a failure in the cooling system.
Last weekend I took the head off to inspect everything.
Things noted from head removal:
First, I found a 2 inch bolt in the hose that runs from the thermostat to the water pump on the block. (I suspect an idiot has been working on this motor)
Next, I notice quite a bit on mud and crap in the combination manifold.
The head gasket looked pretty good, no obvious signs of failure.
There seemed to be some bolts that were newer than others on the manifold. (again, I don?t think this is the first time this has been taken apart)
Last from what I could see the cylinder walls looked good. Although there is nothing on the crank pulley for me to put a wrench on to turn it over so I?m only looking at the tops of the cylinders)
My feeling are: Priority one, see if the block is cracked, if it is game over. If the block is not cracked how is water getting in the oil. Is the manifold cracked, head warped, what..? once that is determined fine the cause of overheating i.e. bad thermostat, impeller etc.
My budget for this project is $1000 to get it running well and I?d like to get this resolved before the temperature drops below freezing.
My questions as of now:
What is your opinion?
Where do you think I should go from here?
Will I be fine bumping the starter to moved the cylinders for further inspection? Is there another way to turn that fauker over?
Will a visual inspection of the cylinder walls be enough or should I do something more like magnaflux?
Sorry for the long post, hope you guys can enlighten me with some wisdom.