Volvo penta 275 clamp ring


Seaman Apprentice
Jan 29, 2009
My last thread died so..... I was having the seal in the clamp ring replaced on my 275. Followed all OEM manuals directions. i got it down to just the clamp ring and the gear, orings, seal etc..... Then took it to a volvo penta mechanic to have him take out the old seal and put in a new seal. He calls me today saying he cant get anything out of the clamp ring even by pressing it. i took it to him due to the shims and ease of messing the seal up. Besides putting a bullet :eek: (lol) in the thing i am once again stuck. Any suggestions?

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Volvo penta 275 clamp ring

Your "VP Dealer" has his press blocks supporting the clamp ring in the wrong place, or it would come apart.


Seaman Apprentice
Jan 29, 2009
Re: Volvo penta 275 clamp ring

I knew it had to be something like that. i figured its an older boat but i didnt think it would get gunked up enough to where even a press wouldnt take it out. Thanks Don ill keep updating as i know


Lieutenant Commander
Mar 21, 2009
Re: Volvo penta 275 clamp ring

I was planning on doing this myself but am now having second thoughts. From both the Seloc and Volvo manual, didn't see where and seals needed a press. The whole idea was to replace the seals as a precaution. Maybe I should do a pressure test before asking for trouble.


Seaman Apprentice
Jan 29, 2009
Re: Volvo penta 275 clamp ring

You can never be to careful. If I wouldnt of went to take the bellows off I would of never knew it until it was to late. Im sure Don will have some input for you. If you do decide to replace it I hope your experience goes better than mine.


Lieutenant Commander
Mar 21, 2009
Re: Volvo penta 275 clamp ring

I feel like I'm getting into rather muddy water here. First off, I'm close to hijacking your thread but feel that the topics are the same so it's not that bad. You decided to have someone else do the work and I'm contemplating doing it myself.

The real question then is weather or not all items listed in the manuals need to be performed for seal replacement. Preload and backlash measurements and then shimming are the real tough ones (in my mind anyway).

My feeling is that in order to change the u-joints, I need to remove the shaft from the gearbox and might as well change the seals while it's apart.

Now - reassembly can go either way:
(assuming that there are no obviously failed bearings or gear teeth surfaces that are obviously mismatched or worn).
1) put all the shims back the way they were during reassembly and call it good, or
2) do the whole thing with the complete gearset shimming, testing, preloading, etc. In reality, it means taking it to a qualified Volvo technician.

So - is it number 1 and people do it that way all the time with no problems or is it number 2 and you'd be nuts to not do the whole thing?


Jun 30, 2008
Re: Volvo penta 275 clamp ring

My feeling is that in order to change the u-joints, I need to remove the shaft from the gearbox and might as well change the seals while it's apart.

You don't have to change those seals to remove the ujoints.

When I changed mine, I did remove the clamp ring, which then allowed me to unscrew the bolt that bolts into the yoke which releases the ujoint assembly.

I've been reading a couple of threads regarding drive oil in the bellows and I don't see a huge problem. If the fluid level is checked and added to when necessary It doesn't seem like a big problem. I think the problem arises when water gets into your bellows and then into your drive through the leaky seal in the upper.

I don't know if my seal is leaking, wouldn't surprise me if it was. If I do ever get it fixed, I want it done right. There is too much maintenance on these things without making extra work for yourself.

If you take the gears apart and reseal,you need to do all adjustments or the drive will either not work right or will fail prematurely.


Seaman Apprentice
Jan 29, 2009
Re: Volvo penta 275 clamp ring

Well knock on wood i had it out for a test today. Everything ok as of now. everything seemed to be up tp par. Im hoping it stays that way for a while. My local mechanic did finally manage to change the seal and from what i can tell it held. i did make extra sure that i replaced all shims in their proper place when reassembling. So for now i think i am good but im sure this wont be the last. thanks guys


Seaman Apprentice
Jan 29, 2009
Re: Volvo penta 275 clamp ring

Sorry pirate i didnt see your post until i posted. From what i heard if you have anything rebuilt like bearings replaced or gears then you should have a tech do it just for the point you mentioned having to check backlash etc, therefore making sure everything is shimmed the proper way.