Volvo Penta 270 outdrive. Oil in from top or bottom?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 5, 2005
I keep reading posts about how you're suppose to put oil in an outdrive by pumping it in from the bottom hole. I can't find my manual but I remember it saying to open top and bottom holes to drain, then fill 2.3 quarts from the top. Is that correct, or if not, how would you pump 2.3 quarts of oil in from the bottom hole?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 1, 2004
Re: Volvo Penta 270 outdrive. Oil in from top or bottom?

When you drain the leg you need to open the bottom to drain the oil.While draining, open the top for a vent.Without a vent you will not let in air to displace the oil you are trying to drain and eventually the oil will stop draining out.Next you will need to go to the same store you buy the outdrive oil and purchase the pump.(its about $10.)You will then pump in the 2.3 quarts from the bottom until its filled to the reqiured amount.The reason for doing it this way is to push all the air out thru the top vent.If you just poured in the oil thru the top you would wind up having more air than oil in the leg.NOT GOOD!!! PS- As your draining the oil watch what it looks like coming out in the pan.If its very milky you might have a seal leak.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 5, 2005
Re: Volvo Penta 270 outdrive. Oil in from top or bottom?

I'm hoping someone with a Volvo Penta 270 outdrive will reply. I found my manual and what it says follows. <br /><br />Draining<br /><br />Remove the oil dipstick. TILT THE DRIVE. Remove the plug underneath on the propeller housing and let the oil drain out. Refit the plug with it's O ring.<br /><br />Filling<br /><br />Remove the oil filler plug. Fill with oil. Refit the plug together with it's O ring. LOWER THE DRIVE.Check the oil with the dipstick which must not be screwed down when checking the level. Fill to the correct level through the dipstick hole.<br /><br />So here is where I am confused. No problem with draining WHILE TILTED UP as the manual says but where is the oil filler plug?........ The only openings I see are the drain and dipstick holes. I also don't understand why, per the manual, the drive is tilted up while draining and filling. Obviously oil in the Volvo Penta outdrives are not changed like the Merc or OMC. I sure need some help to do what should be a simple procedure.


"Retired" Association of Marine Technicians...
Jul 7, 2004
Re: Volvo Penta 270 outdrive. Oil in from top or bottom?

The oil fill plug is behind the cover on the rear top of the drive. The cover is held on by 2 screws. The plug is a allen head -- 5/16" if I remember right. Make sure you leave the dip stick out while filling.<br /> The drive is drained and filled while up because thats the way Volvo designed it.<br /> You can change the lube the same as a Merc if you want to. The only problem with doing like a Merc is if you fill too fast the oil will come out the dip stick hole before it shows up on the dip stick because the dip stick goes down inside a shaft and the only way for oil to get in this shaft is thru a very small hole.<br /> Hope this helps --- MUC


Vice Admiral
May 31, 2004
Re: Volvo Penta 270 outdrive. Oil in from top or bottom?

Originally posted by muc:<br /> The oil fill plug is behind the cover on the rear top of the drive.MUC
Thats a 280 drive. A 270 has the filler plug in the rear of the intermediate housing. Nowhere near the top. Look just above the anti-ventilation plate (call it cavitation if you must) when tilted up (really just a 45 degree angle). Should be right there facing the rear,. And my manual says 2. 8 quarts, not 2.3.


Vice Admiral
May 31, 2004
Re: Volvo Penta 270 outdrive. Oil in from top or bottom?

AND use straight 30w or 40w oil only

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Volvo Penta 270 outdrive. Oil in from top or bottom?

Filling a Volvo 270, 275, 280, 290, SP-A,C,D and all the DP-A thru E series all fill the same.<br />Behind the cover is a allen head plug to the starboard side of the shift mechanism.<br />That is where you put the oil in (and for all the single prop drives, it's now 30W engine oil that is recommended).<br />It's not a big deal. Leave the drive down (cavitation plate level..... roughly) then make a funnel attached to an elbow fitting attached to some sort of fitting that will fit into where the plug came from. (1/2" pipe thread is close enough)<br />Now, with the funnel up in the air, start filling the drive..... it's slow, so take your time and don't get in a hurry. It will take somewhere between 2.7 and something over 3 quarts. Don't panic, take your time, or you WILL Be draining out excess gear lube (oil).<br />Allow the oil to sit in the drive for a while (15 minutes or a couple of good stories with friends or a brew [no chugging allowed]).<br />Check the oil level WITHOUT screwing the dipstick into the cap. If it's within the flat area on the dipstick it's good, but I try to stay within a 1/2" of the top.<br />Put the plug and dipstick back in and your done.<br />Do use new gaskets and orings. It cheap compared to what water damage costs to repair.<br />I'll have to get a picture of my fill funnel so you can see it's nothing special, and I use it constantly..... Much better than the Volvo method they show in the owners manual.


Vice Admiral
May 31, 2004
Re: Volvo Penta 270 outdrive. Oil in from top or bottom?

Don, how can they be the same? Here is the pic from my manual, and it also agrees with what harrisg said his manual states. See where it says (#4) fill plug? Text says drive tilted up? I have a 280, so I don't know about a 270, but heres what the manual (although Clymer)says<br />
<br />Can you or some explain? Is this manual that far off?


Vice Admiral
May 31, 2004
Re: Volvo Penta 270 outdrive. Oil in from top or bottom?

I just went and looked at my 280, and I have no #4 plug, just a 1/4 or 5/16ths Allen head into the bottom leg. I would think though, if the plug is under the top cover on the 270, it would be easy to do it that way, leg down. Need some answers here, harrisg....what did you find out?

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Volvo Penta 270 outdrive. Oil in from top or bottom?

The ONLY reason for tilting the drive up to put oil in, is so a funnel would stay in the hole. With the funnel setup (Picture below) you don't have to keep tilting the drive up and down.<br />I do this day in and day out, and have NEVER had a problem.<br /><br />


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 1, 2004
Re: Volvo Penta 270 outdrive. Oil in from top or bottom?

I have been doing this job different then what you guys are writing about.I pump the oil in the bottom drain plug(#3)until it fills up to the mark on the dipstick at location(#1).If this is not right can someone let me know.I oppoligize for possibly giving you bad advice harrisg.Thats the way I have been doing it and have had NO problems.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 5, 2005
Re: Volvo Penta 270 outdrive. Oil in from top or bottom?

Trebor0301... No problem. Have you been doing this on a VP? <br /><br />DonS... Thanks for the drawing and info. I'm going to get the pieces I need today and will change the drive oil in a couple of days.<br /><br />Robby6950... I don't have the #4 shown either. My oil fill is located behind the cover on the starbord side where the arrow shows in the lower picture.<br /><br />The only thing I'm still confused about is that the Volvo Penta manual that was still with the boat (1983) said 2.2 quarts. The Seloc Manual and DonS, who surely knows what he's talking about since he does it every day says 2.8 quarts. I'll go with DonS and what the heck, if it's too much, that's what the drain hole is for.<br /><br />The manual also says 10w-40 but I'll use 30w.


Seaman Apprentice
May 6, 2005
Re: Volvo Penta 270 outdrive. Oil in from top or bottom?

I just looked at the original manual for my 1984 280 drive and it says 2.7 quarts,U.S. quarts.This is the second number in parentisis.I tilt the drive up and lightly screw in an old plastic bottle into the fill hole and put in 2.5 quarts,close the fill hole,tilt down,check the level and top off through the dipstick hole. Be patient.The bottle serves as a funnel.Just cut off the bottom with a razor.I think its a small bottle of gas line antifreeze,it fits the fill hole perfectly.

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Volvo Penta 270 outdrive. Oil in from top or bottom?

sonus<br />That is what I am saying, you don't have to tilt the drive up to fill it.<br />I have been to Volvo Penta tech school on these drives, and am now working for a Volvo dealer.<br /><br />harrisg..... Regarding manuals.<br />Manuals change, but Volvo doesn't send changes to everyone that owns a Volvo drive.<br />30W is now recommended.<br />Also, overfilling is common. Especially when the drive and the temps outside are cold. Once you find out how much YOUR drive uses. Mark a container and keep it so you know how much to use next time. <br /><br />While the drives do have some quirks, they are still the best drive out there.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Sep 17, 2004
Re: Volvo Penta 270 outdrive. Oil in from top or bottom?

climers manuals arent much chop. <br />don speaks the truth. my funnel is slightly different in that i recycled a piece of age hardened fuel hose with a nice radius that with a small effort on the bench grinder to taper the end fits great. i also drilled a small hole in the top of the funnel where a piece of string lives, so i dont have to worry about it tipping over while i fill. havent come a cross a boat yet that doesnt have somewhere to tie off.<br />did i mention clymers manuals are no good?<br />the genuine volvo manual for that model is 1/4 the thickness and far better.<br /><br />that pic posted is a little wrong on a few points.


Vice Admiral
May 31, 2004
Re: Volvo Penta 270 outdrive. Oil in from top or bottom?

Darn right on the Volvo drives, Bullet (but not idiot) proof. And chalk up another way around the old aftermarket manuals. The one thing I will add is after you do fill through the fill hole, when you go to add/top off to the full mark on the stick through the dipstick hole, it will take FOREVER to add just a few ounces. Doing a funnel set up will save MUCH time, as you can check as you fill. And BenC, I never liked Clymer either......but this is just oil change, and you must by now realize that all aftermarket manuals are pretty generic, and try to cover everything. I would not rebuild anything without a factory manual myself.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 1, 2004
Re: Volvo Penta 270 outdrive. Oil in from top or bottom?

Hey harrisg I do have a 270 outdrive.The way I have been doing it was the way someone showed me to do it.I still don't know if what I am doing is Ok.I will continue to do it this way unless someone can tell me why I shouldn't.

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Volvo Penta 270 outdrive. Oil in from top or bottom?

trebor, sounds like you were taught by a Mercruiser person, not a Volvo person. Mercs have always filled from the bottom up.<br />It won't hurt anything to fill from the bottom, it's just not necessary, and is just harder to do and makes a bigger mess than necessary.<br />You have been given the reasons, in my previous reply, so not sure what else you need.