I'm having a heck of a time finding cross over numbers for some tune up parts for my volvo penta. Its a 1985 Bayliner with Volvo AQ125A with 270 drive.
Im looking for the cross over numbers for the following components, its not that i dont want to use genuine volvo parts, i dont want to pay genuine volvo prices. Specially when volvo wants 40 bucks for the distributer cap
Spark Plugs: Volvo #875820-3 (Bosch W6DC)
Wires: Cant find any part number in my books
Distributer Cap: Volvo # 841263-7
Points: Volvo # 243799-4
Condenser: Volvo # 841262-9
Rotor: Volvo # 243903-2
oil Filter: Volvo 1266286-2 (update found that crosses to Fram PH16)
On my exhaust bellows (i assume its the exhaust bellows)when i take the boat out of the water, water leaks from the bellows and drains my raw water tank to nearly empty, is this normal, the hole appears to have been man mad, meaning is a perfect round hole not a rip or cut. It never seems to affect the running of the boat or nothing, just wondering if this is something i should replace or patch. I plan on running some antifreeze through it, when i opened the draincocks on the tank verly little water trickled out and what did was clean.
I have all the original paperwork for this boat boat owners manual, engine owners manual and neither list crossover numbers.
Thanks for any help its much appreciated.
Im looking for the cross over numbers for the following components, its not that i dont want to use genuine volvo parts, i dont want to pay genuine volvo prices. Specially when volvo wants 40 bucks for the distributer cap
Spark Plugs: Volvo #875820-3 (Bosch W6DC)
Wires: Cant find any part number in my books
Distributer Cap: Volvo # 841263-7
Points: Volvo # 243799-4
Condenser: Volvo # 841262-9
Rotor: Volvo # 243903-2
oil Filter: Volvo 1266286-2 (update found that crosses to Fram PH16)
On my exhaust bellows (i assume its the exhaust bellows)when i take the boat out of the water, water leaks from the bellows and drains my raw water tank to nearly empty, is this normal, the hole appears to have been man mad, meaning is a perfect round hole not a rip or cut. It never seems to affect the running of the boat or nothing, just wondering if this is something i should replace or patch. I plan on running some antifreeze through it, when i opened the draincocks on the tank verly little water trickled out and what did was clean.
I have all the original paperwork for this boat boat owners manual, engine owners manual and neither list crossover numbers.
Thanks for any help its much appreciated.