I ran my boat for 40-45 minutes last night tubing/skiing and what not......boat ran good for all that time...40 minutes into it I noticed the temp needle going up, I immediately headed for my dock, temp gauge was still going up.....saw some steam/smoke coming from the engine compartment...almost at the dock and then I shut it off....lifted up the engine compartment and a whole bunch of steam/smoke came out.....let it cool for a while before I looked at it and noticied antifreeze all over which I had to pump out. There weren't any hoses busted, and I think the antifreeze came out from the cap. The engine is a Volvo AQ171A that has 2 cooling sysytems....one which uses fresh water and the other that uses 50/50 water and antifreeze......any feedback on first instinct on what it might be....impeller, thermostat...water pump....???????