Need some help figuring out what the deal is with replacing the fuel cell on a 7.4GSI PEFS engine. According to Volvo the part number has changed to 3594444 which is what I ordered. Everything looked the same so I got it mounted but when I went to put on the high pressure hose on the HP pump I noticed the fitting on the pump was slightly different from the old pump. The old pump had a flange that came upwards on the pump connector that pressue fit to the hose fitting. The new pump has a flange going downward on the pump fitting which is the same design as the fuel return hose on the old and new pumps. The kind that requires an o-ring. I've attached photos of the old pump, new pump, and existing hose.
Does anyone know what's going on here? Is this not the right pump or does it require that I change over to a different high pressue hose? If so what is that part number?
Thanks for the help!
Does anyone know what's going on here? Is this not the right pump or does it require that I change over to a different high pressue hose? If so what is that part number?
Thanks for the help!