Volvo engine loses power and stalls once warmed up.


Jul 4, 2008
I'm having a big problem with my 2006 Volvo Penta 5.0GXi engine (with Sx outdrive). The engine has about 55 hours on it. The first time I noticed the problem, the engine ran fine for about 2-3 hours while wakeboarding (a lot of starting and stopping, running around 20mph). When we headed back to the dock, we probably ran at about 35-40mph for 10-15 minutes. As soon as we slowed down to idle through the no-wake zone, the engine stalled out. After that, it could be started again (sometimes took a while to start) but would stall out again right away unless I throttled up a bit. Once we let it sit for a while with the engine off, maybe 5-10 minutes, the engine started and operated normally.

As of yesterday, the problem has gotten a lot worse. This time, I started noticing problems even while we were riding. I could feel the engine losing power a bit, and saw a corresponding dip in RPMs on the tach. It was especially noticeable whenever we went over a roller, where I would see the RPMs dip from 2800 to 1800, then come right back to 2800. Again, if I went down to idle, the engine stalled.

On the ride back, the problem got worse still, and the engine began to struggle even at cruising speed, almost stalling out then firing back up again. Through this whole thing, I had about 1/2 a tank of gas, and the temp guage was right in the middle at about 150. I then noticed that if we headed in slowly without letting the boat plane, the engine ran fine. Somehow keeping the bow up helped. Running flat at idle stalled, running flat on plane stalled, but running at about 10mph with the bow up was ok.

I'm not much of a mechanic, but I'm hoping somebody can tell me there is something simple going on here so I don't have to bring my boat to the shop right in the middle of summer. I am still under warranty if this is going to be bad though.

Thanks for any help.