Volvo D3-160


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 9, 2003
I've got an '81 Merc 470 in my boat with 1400 hours and the new Volvo D3-160 has caught my eye. It is the only in-line engine of roughly the same power that I have found to replace it with. I've got a long, narrow engine bay so none of the "V" engines will fit. It's a lot of $ though (Volvo, Diesel, Marine) and I'd like to hear from anyone who has worked with one before I consider diving in. Thanks.


Chief Petty Officer
Oct 4, 2001
Re: Volvo D3-160

They look like great engines and are designed to be direct replacement for 4 and v-6 engines in older boats as well as a alternitve to gas for new boat builders( with the price of fuel who could blame them )There a in-line 5 cyl. ,variable vane turbo charged, dual over head cam screamers (wot 4000 rpm )<br />The big problem is the price ,if you are replacing the gas engine in your boat ( 1981 or 23 years old )you have to buy the engine first ,them replace or modify the fuel tank,replace control cables and gauges,you would be looking at$15-20 grand Canadian ,alot for a 23year old boat.<br />Now if you where to buy a new boat I would deffenitly go with with a diesel if you can afford it.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 9, 2003
Re: Volvo D3-160

It's actually a bit more than that. I was quoted $22k plus installation for the engine, but that includes all the cables and gauges. Apparently the transom cutout is the same so all I would have to modify is the front engine mount and the fuel tank. The competition would be a Merc V6 at about $13000 but that involves major surgery to the boat and I would be pretty nervous cutting out the main stringers then hitting some sloppy stuff! Also fuel costs are double with the gas engine and I will gain at least a third more range with the diesel. I've worked with Volvo legs and their 41/43 series inline six diesels but I don't know anything about this engine. 165hp is a lot to pull out of 2.4liters, even in a gas engine so my main concern is reliability and life. The old 470 still pulls great and starts every time but I'm looking to replace it because I want to moor in salt water and start doing some cruises farther from home. My dad put most of those 1400 hours on while fishing. I'll be mostly cruising at 3400rpm and I expect to put 100+ hours on per year so a new engine will probably be needed soon. I want to know that this engine is good for a couple thousand hours if I spend the money. I know the 41's will do it but they put out a lot less power for their size (and they're 4000 WOT engines, too). I'm not worried about the fact that the engine will be worth way more than the boat because the hull is solid and I love the way she can take big water. I don't think I'll ever sell this one.


Jul 4, 2004
Re: Volvo D3-160

i would speak with your insurance company you love the boat and realize that you will never get the 25000 dollars back but they may have a problem as it may excede what they will allow for that hull at its age<br /><br />tommays


May 2, 2003
Re: Volvo D3-160

Originally posted by airman:<br /> I'm not worried about the fact that the engine will be worth way more than the boat because the hull is solid and I love the way she can take big water. I don't think I'll ever sell this one.
That statement sums it up, it makes the money issue null & void. If I read between the lines correctly, your 90% convinced its the right motor.<br /><br />I'm not familiar with the D3-160 but VP make a quality product and their diesels are highly regarded. My vote is go for it - and I'd love to see a pic of this boat :) <br /><br />Aldo


Jul 4, 2004
Re: Volvo D3-160

i am sure that if it sinks or is stolen and the insurer says it was an 8000 dollar boat he will be concerned<br /><br />tommays


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 9, 2003
Re: Volvo D3-160

My experience with insurance companies is that they simply want a survey with an estimated value for the boat by an indepentent surveyor. It's hard to see a problem happening with a survey, a proper declared value and a receipt for the motor. They just won't insure her for $200/yr anymore. As to pics, sorry, I don't have a scanner but she's an '81 Glasply 2100 cuddy with a hardtop. She's looking a little sad right now as she's been in storage for the past 5 yrs while I lived and cruised on a 36' Trojan. While in storage a tree fell on the canvas top but that's OK because my wife has since opened her own canvas shop. New canvas and upholstery throughout! This weekend we'll be cruising in the San Juans and it will be her first big trip in years. I'm sure she'll be on her best behavior so I give her the big makeover she wants. The big question is still the motor. Do I keep the old 470 until it starts acting up or take the leap now? Probably I'll end up keeping the 470 for one more season but it's pretty tempting to do it this winter along with everything else.