Since I put the pertronix ignitor in my Volvo aq151b, it runs smoother than ever. Plus with the new impeller, cooling system is great!<br />However, I have a problem which I discovered when replacing the impeller. Impeller is found in a self contained unit fastened to a bracket with 2 small bolts. While putting back the lower bolt, something fell down. I discovered a little tightly wound spring into which the bolt threads perfectly. Most unusual! I could run it as it is, but I would always be concerned about cooling system failure due to this.<br />Obviously a leak in the impeller casing caused this to deteriorate (salt water, you know). New bracket, one solution, is $150 plus. What I'm wondering is, were I to attempt a repair with jbweld, would it work and would it be best to reuse the 'spring' in the weld or to somehow try to thread the jbweld?<br />Better yet, does someone have a used bracket available for purchase? I know that a 145 or a 171 would work. I haven't checked any others (via Doug Russell).