Volvo 230A/SP engine type. The engine serial number is 2200025363, closed cooling system.<br /><br />I heard a little chirping when the engine first started but it stopped after the engine got to operating temperature. Three minutes later after idling out of the cove, I was slowly coming up to plane and heard the chirping more pronounced. After stopping the engine I smelled the steaming antifreeze. Temp gauge was 15 degrees over normal. I put it back on the trailer after a tow and drained about a quart of coolant from the bilge. There is also some in the heat exchanger.<br /><br />I am in shock and scared. How bad is it?<br /><br />OK, I probably dont have enough info yet. I cant get back to the boat for a few days so want to be ready.<br /><br />I expect the noise was one of the pumps but I could not see any sign of leaks around them. The steam seemed to be coming from further back but I could not tell where.<br /><br />Where do I start to determine the problem and damage?<br /><br />Any advice will be appreciated.