Volvo AQ130d starter problem


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 19, 2004
Tried starting the engine yesterday and the starter clicked a couple of times which it has done before, then the engine strted to turn over, but when i released the ignition key the starter was still running, could not get it to stop turning over other than turning the battery isolater switch, went back today and turned the isolater switch and it was still turning so i fiddled with the ignition key but was not helping, i then disconnected the three wires from the ignition switch but was still turning the engine over.....any ideas ???


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 7, 2005
Re: Volvo AQ130d starter problem

Sounds like the starter solenoid may have stuck. It slams forward via magnetics to push the bendix to the flywheel as is a hi amp switch to feed the starter directly from the battery. If it got wet/submerged (water too high in the bilge) it could get rusty inside and stay connected. Rare, but I have seen it before....


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 19, 2004
Re: Volvo AQ130d starter problem

Does that mean the starter should be replaced or can it be fixed?


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 7, 2005
Re: Volvo AQ130d starter problem

It can be fixed. Taken apart and cleaned. Personally, I would replace with a rebuilt or new. Remember, marine is not automotive. The price will reflect that. You can replace just the solenoid, but if the starter got submerged or even wet enough to stick the solenoid, you will have trouble again shortly if not replaced. Once it is in your hands, it will be obvious if it is rusted and busted. If it is rusted on the outside, you will have to determine why it got that way.

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Volvo AQ130d starter problem

While it may be the solenoid, it could also be the bendix causing the problem. Let me explain.<br />If your ujoint bellows leaks and allows water into the bellows, the yoke rusts allowing water into the intermediate housing (engine bellhousing) and into the flywheel area. From there the water gets pushed by the flywheel into the starter nose where the shaft gets rusty. Then you have the bendix that won't go out on the shaft at times and at other times (Like Now) it won't release and stays engaged.<br />Best thing to do is pull the starter and look. If it is rusty, pull the upper gear box off the drive and check for water in the bellows.