Volvo AQ130d cooling leak


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 19, 2004
After refitting the head I seem to have a leak from one of the pipes attatched to the side of the thermostat housing.<br />There are 2 pipes,one above the other that attatch to the housing, the top one has a flange with two screws and a rubber sealing ring, this is no problem, the one underneath it just sits in a hole with a rubber seal, this is the one that is leaking and I cant work out how it is meant to be water tight as there is no flange that screws it tight, I bought some new seals and placed one over the pipe and pushed it into the hole on the side of the housing and as I thought it leaks! how does this pipe fprm a tight seal by just sitting there???? the manual is no help with this one iam afraid......


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Volvo AQ130d cooling leak

Well Neil,.......<br /><br />I've Never even lain eyes on a motor like Yours before,..........<br /><br />I see fittings that resemble your discription on some of the Big Diesels I get to Wrench on though.......<br /><br />1 Question 1st,.......... Where does this Tube go to,... How's it Attached at the Other End,.. Or maybe a Bracket along the way,..?????.......<br />I haven't been able to find a viewable picture on the web,....<br /><br />If your fitting IS like the 1s I see,........<br /><br />The "Hole" that tthe Tube sits in,... Should have an O-Ring Groove cut in it,...Probably Near, but not at the Inside End of the Hole......<br />(You HAVE Cleaned this "Hole",.. Clean, Clean,.....Right??)<br /><br />Take the New O-Ring,+ Dip it in engine oil,+ Insert it into the Groove in the Hole,.....<br /><br />Dip the end of the Tube into the same oil,+ Install It......<br /><br />The O-Ring has to be In the Groove,+ Not on the Tube, to begin the installation..............<br />Dipping the O-Ring in engine oil is Supposed to cause a Swelling effect on the O-Ring...........<br /><br />Now,..... The 1s I see are Always Firmly Attached, Either at the Opposite End, or somewhere along the length of the Rigid Tube,............<br /><br />Good Luck.....

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Volvo AQ130d cooling leak

Welcome to the wonderful world of Volvo cooling systems. Sounds like your problem may be in the clamps (circled in red in the drawing). Without them or if they are not holding the tube properly, it will leak. A little Permatex on that seal ring will also help. Since it's a square cross section seal, if it rolls a little bit, it will leak. The Permatex will lubricat it to prevent it from rolling, and also help it seal. Ultra Black or Ultra Blue silicone (also by Permatex) also works.<br /><br />


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 19, 2004
Re: Volvo AQ130d cooling leak

Clean..clean maybe not "Bondo" clean, just neil clean...... :) <br />I couldnt see a groove but will check again.<br />I did move one of the clamps so this may well be the problem, so does the o ring actuall go over the pipe or should it sit against it I wonder, <br /><br />Many Thanks

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Volvo AQ130d cooling leak

Put the seal (34) on the tube first, then install the tube in the housing.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 19, 2004
Re: Volvo AQ130d cooling leak

Thanks for the info, all done now and leak free :)