I am new so go easy on me...LOL
I have a circa 1984 Volvo AQ125A in a 19.5 bayliner, I just bought, the day I looked at the boat it was running and puring like a kitten, then got it home, tried to start it and no luck. It did run out of gas I was told, here's were I'm at: has gas, gas is moving in carb, i can see it, has spark, tested coil, & points and put in new plugs and rotor cap and gas, it started a couple times for only 20-30 seconds, now it plain old will not fire at all??? Found the distributor lose, not lose enought to move by itself but enought to turn it by hand, I played with that moving it about 3-5 degrees in each direction, I could hear when it was def. not right but still no starting. I surely would appreciate any and all advise, If I missed pertinant info just let me know
I have a circa 1984 Volvo AQ125A in a 19.5 bayliner, I just bought, the day I looked at the boat it was running and puring like a kitten, then got it home, tried to start it and no luck. It did run out of gas I was told, here's were I'm at: has gas, gas is moving in carb, i can see it, has spark, tested coil, & points and put in new plugs and rotor cap and gas, it started a couple times for only 20-30 seconds, now it plain old will not fire at all??? Found the distributor lose, not lose enought to move by itself but enought to turn it by hand, I played with that moving it about 3-5 degrees in each direction, I could hear when it was def. not right but still no starting. I surely would appreciate any and all advise, If I missed pertinant info just let me know