Re: Volvo alternator
Well ... Many thanks for all the help, when I went to the parts store ( I had some Volvo parts on order ),I poped the question to them and they more or less said the same thing as Don S. had said about the Delco Marine alternator conversion, and in the course of the conversation, I was handed a Arco Electrical Technical Manual, which by the way answeared most of my questions about 3 wire hook-ups, had no idea that most battery isolators, need the exciting wire voltage.... anyways, I found the problem, the wire (red) from the Alternator to the starter terminal had a huge voltage drop, I just had to dig alittle deeper that just cleaning the terminals on all the connections in that circuit, as a side note build a relationship with your supplier, you'll be surprised at the help you'll get .. and of course from this board ... IMHO