I have a 2000 19' runabout with a volvo 5L fuel injected drive. The engine was replaced 2 weeks ago with a long block due to a cracked block. I have had it out on the water 3 or 4 times and I am experiencing a hestitation (bogging down) when fully accerating and when you accerate from 3/4 throtle to full trottle. It also does not seem to rev as freely as I would expect from this engine. I have had it up to 4600 - 4700 rpm. The performance report I have on the engine and boat indicate WOT of 4950 with a 21P volvo aluminum prop. We are running a 19P volvo aluminum prop, which I expect would allow it to easily rev to 5000 rpm. The marine shop has had the engine on a dyno in their shop twice and tell me that the engine is working great in shop and is actually stronger then what is specified. Does anyone have any idea what this problem could be related to?