Volvo 5.7 with SX Outdrive Hydro-lock

Seaman Apprentice
Jul 14, 2005
I have a 2001 Volvo SX with a 5.7 (Glastron GS249). I am getting water into cylinders from exhaust manifold. It just started it. When I pulled the right side elbow going from Exhaust riser to "Y" pipe, there is water up to top of "Y" pipe. When I attemped to take left side elbow off water was coming in and wouldn't stop. This is with the boat in the slip. My question is the flapper must be gone but I cannot find the flapper anywhere. All the parts breakdown I found online doesn't show one. Anybody know if one or two are installed and where it is located? The only thing different from last year is I replaced the exhaust bellows. The new one has slots on the bottom of if where the old one was solid but was told this is the new style. Any help is greatly appreciated.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jan 28, 2004
Re: Volvo 5.7 with SX Outdrive Hydro-lock

The flappers were discontinued and VP no longer offers or recommends them. They are there to in theory stop water from going up Y-pipe with engine not running and coming off plane. Sounds to me like you have an issue with riser/manifold joint and boat has to get pulled to fix it since you are under waterline apparently.

Seaman Apprentice
Jul 14, 2005
Re: Volvo 5.7 with SX Outdrive Hydro-lock

It's out of the water now. What do you think when you say riser/manifold joint problem? I will take any suggestions.


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Volvo 5.7 with SX Outdrive Hydro-lock

This is with the boat in the slip.

Ayuh,... Sounds like your boat is HEAVY,....
Do you have riser Extentions on top of the manifolds, before the risers,..??
Sounds like you need them Real Bad...

Shutters won't hold back the water if the tops of the Y-pipes are Below water level...
Their only for Back-Splash...

Btw,... If you Do have riser Extentions,... You gotta be Nuts for doin' that In the water.....


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Volvo 5.7 with SX Outdrive Hydro-lock

Ayuh,... The Question is,.. Why is your boat sitting so Low,..??
It hasn't had extentions since 01,... When/ Why did this start to be an Issue,..??

Seaman Apprentice
Jul 14, 2005
Re: Volvo 5.7 with SX Outdrive Hydro-lock

This is the first year I have spent a lot of time at and on the boat. Last two years all we did was get on it and go out and come back. Stayed at campground. This year we are staying on boat so we are constantly getting on and off on the right side which was the side that first had the water, nothing on left side. Would this have anything to do with it? Maybe I am grasping at straws.


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Volvo 5.7 with SX Outdrive Hydro-lock

Any ideas where to look for the riser extensions?

Ayuh,... Extentions have to Match whatever manifolds,+ risers you have...
They can be bought from whomever sells the same units you have now...

You need enough extentions to have the point of turnover atleast 13" Above the Waterline.....

That's the Fix,... The Cause might be something to ponder further....
Is it a Foam filled hull,..??

Seaman Apprentice
Jul 14, 2005
Re: Volvo 5.7 with SX Outdrive Hydro-lock

I will check that. I did get a lot of water but that was because of when I went to pull the elbow that runs between the riser and Y pipe on the left side, water was running non-stop. Had to put it back together. Why would one side of Y pipe would have water sitting near top of it and the other side would have water running out of it?


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Volvo 5.7 with SX Outdrive Hydro-lock

Why would one side of Y pipe would have water sitting near top of it and the other side would have water running out of it?

Ayuh,.... Because water seeks it's own level,+ the 1 side is BELOW Waterlevel.....

Seaman Apprentice
Jul 14, 2005
Re: Volvo 5.7 with SX Outdrive Hydro-lock

One last thing, if the weight checks out, what then. Most of my added weight is all forward in the cabin. Would you go with 3" spacer plates for the risers? And if so, would they still work with the existing elbows? Could I use the exhaust bellows for AQ175, 280, 282DP, T, PT, AQD40, AQAD40, V-8 outdrives that have the flapper valve mounted inside of it if it would fit? Appreciate all your input. Thanks

Seaman Apprentice
Jul 14, 2005
Re: Volvo 5.7 with SX Outdrive Hydro-lock

"SomeoAyuh,... The Question is,.. Why is your boat sitting so Low,..??
It hasn't had extentions since 01,... When/ Why did this start to be an Issue,..??"

The only thing different from last year is the exhaust bellows. The old one was solid no holes, where the new one has slotted holes on each rib on the bottom of it. Do you think this would be letting too much water in so close to engine instead of having to push up thur the outdrive?

Bt Doctur

Supreme Mariner
Aug 29, 2004
Re: Volvo 5.7 with SX Outdrive Hydro-lock

The link is to give you an idea how exaust systems are measured and when/ if riser extentions are required. A motor is a motor .dosent care who made the boat .Just the measurements to keep water out if the engine thru the use of 3 or 6 inch extentions

Seaman Apprentice
Jul 14, 2005
Re: Volvo 5.7 with SX Outdrive Hydro-lock

thanks, thought it was a little humor. I will look at it. I think I have the Volvo installation guide in my paperwork. Will have to dig it out to compare.


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Volvo 5.7 with SX Outdrive Hydro-lock

Would you go with 3" spacer plates for the risers?

Ayuh,... That would leave you about 10" Short of where it's gotta be...

You don't seem to understand the concept of the Water Level...
The Flapper Valves,+ Bellows have absolutely Nothing to do with it....
Your motor is sitting Below the hulls Waterlevel....

Seaman Apprentice
Jul 14, 2005
Re: Volvo 5.7 with SX Outdrive Hydro-lock

Ayuh,... That would leave you about 10" Short of where it's gotta be...

You don't seem to understand the concept of the Water Level...
The Flapper Valves,+ Bellows have absolutely Nothing to do with it....
Your motor is sitting Below the hulls Waterlevel....

OK, let me make sure I understand this. What I need to do is what the the measurement is from the waterline to top of exhaust riser (13" min. for Mercruiser, Thanks for link). If I am under this measurement and if weight of boat is pretty much where it should be ( 4435 LBS I am assuming a dry weight so I have to add for water, gas and waste tanks), what can I do? Add riser spacer plates to get above this dimension, if I have room between riser and engine comp. door? You can't raise the engine due to the transon shield already being hard mounted or is there some adjustment you can do to do this? Sorry I am a little slow on the uptake. I kept thinking along the lines what has changed from last year.