Volvo 5.0 GXI won't throttle down


Jul 28, 2008
My 2005 Volvo 5.0 liter GXI will throttle up, but not down again. The stick will move without a problem and throttle is not stuck solid - you can move the stick back and forth, continue revving it higher, but the engine won't back off when you pull the stick back. I jiggled it, turned it on and off, reverse and back (when off) cursed it, etc. with no luck. I literally only had 5 mins to look at the issue, so I am going to take a closer look Friday, but thought I would ask for any input first.

PS: I saw the recent similar post, but that concerned carb problems.


Fun Times

Staff member
May 16, 2009
Re: Volvo 5.0 GXI won't throttle down

Did you happen to see if the higher idle speed would always stay the same after reving it up a few times and trying to bring it down or did it have dirfferent idle speeds every time after a rev with the handel? Did this just start happing out of the blue, Or did you or some one just work on it not long ago including maybe last year and after sitting all winter? Could use a little history of you and the boats time with each other. The first thing you will want to do is find the throttle cable on the engines throttle body and try pulling it back by hand to see if it moves or slows the engine down, If it dose then you need to aujust the end of the cable adapter that hooks to the throttle body. It easy just pull the cotter pin and start turning the end to match up when the throttle body should be closed all the way down to idle. And if that dose not work then their is a problem with the EFI system.:eek:Good luck PS keep in mind you have the same adapter fitting that is on the end of the cable hooked to the throttle body, Mounted to the back side of the throttle handel at the helm that might need an aujustment also if you can't seem to get it to work back at the engine side. But try not to play with that end if you Don't need to it can be a pain some times But if it's easy to do it's' not a bad idea to try to look at the back side of it to make sure it looks like the cable is still hooked up right and not falling down back their.


Jul 28, 2008
Re: Volvo 5.0 GXI won't throttle down

Thanks for the help Boat Teck. As I had said I only had maybe 5 mins at the most to look at this when it happened. I went by today and I thought I would grease the end of the cable before I started - it moved when I pushed it and didn't seem to have any corrosion, but when I greased it I felt a little bump, for lack of a better description, of corrosion on the bottom. I think the cable got hung on the bump and just instantly stopped working, then came unhooked when I touched it on the engine end. A piece of sandpaper and grease fixed it - yahooo! This might explain why it was so sudden - one second it was was totally fine and the next it was totally screwed. The cable looked clean before and with such a sudden stop and I didn't think could be as simple corrosion on the end of the cable, but I was wrong. Now I am happy but feel a little stupid at the same time!
Thanks again for your help again.


Jan 13, 2006
Re: Volvo 5.0 GXI won't throttle down

My 2005 Volvo 5.0 liter GXI will throttle up, but not down again. The stick will move without a problem and throttle is not stuck solid - you can move the stick back and forth, continue revving it higher, but the engine won't back off when you pull the stick back. I jiggled it, turned it on and off, reverse and back (when off) cursed it, etc. with no luck. I literally only had 5 mins to look at the issue, so I am going to take a closer look Friday, but thought I would ask for any input first.

PS: I saw the recent similar post, but that concerned carb problems.


You have a low speed idle circut in your system..Check your throttle body closely and look closely for unattached plug's or the female end on the TB. Its called Idle Air Control (IAC) valve. A very simple test is to find the valve and unplug it if it runs the same..Well your pretty much home.