I have a 99 Regal, Volvo 4.3GL. It was winterized and was working fine at the start of this season. Then the engine started to hesitate and backfire. Figured, bad gas - filled up with premium, added stabilizer. Next thing, engine started, died out, started again and would run just above idle speed until it died again. Changed the plugs, distributor, rotor, fuel filter, and oil filter. Drained some gas from the line and it looks good and smells fine - only had a very small amount of water in the bottle but the engine still will not start. Checked the kill switch too. It will crank but not catch. Fuel pump is working and I have a spark. Any suggestions on what to check out next? Any help would be very much appreciated!! I have no idea what to do next. And to top it all of, the boat is docked so I can't even get it out of the water right now!! Such fun boating days!!