Vesselview 903 not showing Trim from 4.3MPI Alpha 2


Jun 22, 2022

I've done a full rebuild on my Caribbean V203, which included a repower with a 2006 4.3MPI and Alpha 2 drive.
I have used a new Smartcraft loom to connect to a Vesselview 903 at the helm which is handling all my guage duties. Id rather not have any anolgue guages in the dash.

The issue I'm having is that the trim guage isnt working on the VV, using the analogue sensors on the leg, connected to the standard wiring on the engine.
The trim wires on the engine are black, orange and orange/white. The analogue sender has two wires, but I have tried all combos with no result.

I'm looking for any custom solutions to get the trim guage working using either anologue or digital sender, so I'd be very appreciative if anyone has any answers.



Vice Admiral
Jul 27, 2005
Gonna guess at a minimum you'll need a three wire digital trim sender/limit at the gimbal ring. Older smart craft guages and vessel views were able to convert the analog signal from the sender and display a trim angle at the helm. Vessel view 903 and other current displays use digital signals only and are (mostly?) linked through the ecm on the engine.

New engine packages also use relays that are controlled by the ecm that allow voltage to reach the trim pump unit and require CDS G3 to set trim signals and limit.

If the engine harness or smart craft harness is equipped with the three wire harness connector you may just need a three wire sender. However, I cannot guarantee it will work with the 903/newer vessel view displays.

Your best option for ideas/workarounds is to contact mercury directly and give them all your engine and vessel view information including engine serial number, ecm information and vessel view information.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 10, 2016
Yeah. You will absolutely require the analogue to digital converter module kit. If you want that to work, amongst some other features too. As she is…there is no trim position that will show on the smart craft.