Re: VEGAS- Who has the best comps?
JB i know some relatives that are near retirement age, and one of their most enjoyable & often used vacation trips are to casinos on the mississippi river. they normally plan @ $200 ea spending cash, and do 2-3 night stays.<br /><br />one plays the slot machines a little, mostly strolling around during the day, the other enjoys a 3-6hr card game ea night - i think the length of time actually spent in the casino affects the amt of 'comps' because they get nearly all free meals & a heavily discounted room. i can't remember if its a 'compliment or complement'
<br /><br />the casinos also manage the adjacent hotels, and the meals are often extravagant. <br /><br />not my cup of tea, but its what they do 5-6 times a yr. and these are some frugal folks let me tell you.
close relatives.<br /><br />the only thing they like more is grandchildren & maybe fishing