Here is the latest update on my boat with regards to its loss of performance and efficiency.<br /><br />First problem was found to be the trim tabs in the full up position still dragged in the water a little causing a decrease in top end speed and susequently a loss of fuel economy. Fixing this gave me back appx 3 mph. Top end achieved after this fix is now 43mph and the motor is able to re-achieve 6,000rpm. I am still short 5 - 6mph in comparison to the original hull.<br /><br />The mechanic is now working through a myriad of different props trying to get as much of the original 49mph back. The latest test with a larger diameter and shallower pitch gave me two more mph at a lower rpm (5,600). He is going to try one more prop in an attempt to get me 2mph more which will satisfy me for now. If the fuel economy rises back to where it was or come close to that point then I'll be happy and accept the boat back.<br /><br />For your knowledge here is what we have been through in props. Original prop is a Yamaha 14 1/4" x 20 giving 6,000rpm and 43mph. Next prop was a Mercury 14 1/4 x 23 (used prop) giving us 6,000rpm but only 40mph (we couldn't explain that). The next prop was a Stiletto 14 1/4 x 23 giving us 5,600rpm at 43mph. The next tried was a Yamaha Salt Water Series 15 1/4 x 19 giving us 5,500rpm at 45mph, getting close. The next prop to try is a Yamaha Salt Water Series 15 1/4 x 17 which should bring the rpms back up to 6,000 and will hopefully give me 47mph which will be close enough to make me happy in the speed spectrum.<br /><br />The service manager helping me here is very knowledgeable and is determined to make me happy. If you live in the Melbourne, FL area then I recommend him. The dealership is Boathouse Discount Marine.<br /><br />Once I have the results I will post them here.