This post is pure tech speculation on my part as don't presently work with 4 strokes Tohatsu OB's. If both models happens to share exact same carb parts number which isn't known, there must be a form of restriction, mechanically speaking the 25 HP isn't opening all the carbs fully while the 30 fully does while the time advance is electronically controled on both.
So if the mechanical throttle restriction of the 25 HP was released and now adjusted to work with 30 HP throttle parameters a 30 HP needs more time advance to compensate the extra fuel intake the carbs are delivering, if not OB will not work properly, will probably tend to drown in unburned gasoline and bog down when at medium to full throttle.
Tohatsu used to post on their web page the specific tech data for each model, no time advance data is now available, will give us a clue it both works with same time advance setting, if so, probably is just jets or full carb swap to know. If not, it's an ECU and carbs swap costly investment.
Paul, the ball is entirely on your side...LOL!!
Happy Boating