"Up" on the tilt/trim stopped working


Sep 5, 2007
Well, it seems I can't get one little thing fixed without another little thing popping up. For the record, I have an 86 Merc 75hp 4cyl with PTT. Last time out, I noticed the motor would barely tilt up. So I got it home and found that I had blown the top seal on the tilt pistion. Okay, so I finally got that fixed, but part of the procedure when putting it back together was to "press the UP to extend the tilt piston to the fully raised position to reconnect to the motor". Well, this is when I found that the "UP" no longer worked. I had just put a new controller on it, with another switch, and it worked just fine before I went to work on the tilt piston.

So, I thought it might be the switch on the controller, since it was a little "rickety" when pressing it. I took the whole thing apart and cleaned it, and still no dice. I am able to wire across the big nodes on the upper solenoid and raise the motor that way, but I cannot get the switch to work at all. On my solenoid, there are the two big nodes with with the red "positive" big thick cable, and the big thick black cable (Negative or ground) on the top of the solenoid. This is what I can "short" to raise the motor. On the side of the solenoid is the small blue wire that goes to the controller and another ground.

So, since the solenoid works (I can short it manually), but there is no apparent power to the controller, does this mean the solenoid is shot, or is there something else I can try? As usual, I appreciate any help.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 25, 2002
Re: "Up" on the tilt/trim stopped working

I would think it is fine since you can cross it and get it to work.
Have you checked to see if you are getting any voltage from the switch back there?
Maybe just a bad switch.
You just have the one or is there one on the engine also?


Sep 5, 2007
Re: "Up" on the tilt/trim stopped working

Just the one from the controller. I haven't checked the voltage anywhere yet. I have a voltmeter, but am not great with it. I'll see what I can do. That was going to be my next thing to do. Just got too cold yesterday, and I ran out of daylight! Thanks for the quick reply.


Sep 10, 2004
Re: "Up" on the tilt/trim stopped working

Ed I think either the wires to the trim limit switch are unpluged or there is a problem with the switch it's self, they stick quite often.


Sep 5, 2007
Re: "Up" on the tilt/trim stopped working


Where are the wires for the trim limit? Everything worked fine before I started working on the tilt piston. I have taken the actual switch completely apart, and cleaned and re-installed. I will check the voltage tonight (if it's not too cold!). I know all the wires are plugged in from the controller back to the engine, and I checked my connections when I wired into the new controller from the motor. But I'll check everything.


Sep 10, 2004
Re: "Up" on the tilt/trim stopped working

Ed, sorry about the wrong info when I read it was a 75-4 cyl I was thinking of a type I trim your is a type II so I gave you the wrong info yours does not have a switch. So you have either a bad solenoid (arc from the large red to the small blue if it works the solenoid is go) so next check the wiring to the switch for voltage (make sure the voltage don't fall of when the up button is pushed) next check the other side of the switch for voltage and if you have it there, if so check the plug in for corrosion.


Sep 10, 2004
Re: "Up" on the tilt/trim stopped working

I should have sent this wiring diagram before hope it helps. Bob


Sep 5, 2007
Re: "Up" on the tilt/trim stopped working

Thanks Laddies. I'm not sure if it helps me yet, other than giving me a great view of how all the wiring is run. My first shot at troubleshooting (other than what I've already done), will be to test the red to blue at the solenoid. Didn't have time to tonight (besides, it's too dang cold!). May not get to it til this weekend. But this is a great shot of the wiring, and I appreciate it.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 26, 2006
Re: "Up" on the tilt/trim stopped working

If the selenoid clicks and there isn't voltage on the motor side of the selenoid,the selenoid is bad. That would be my first shot. Providing there is voltage on the battery side. Also a jummper cable to the motor side will tell you if the motor is ok............Jerry


Sep 5, 2007
Re: "Up" on the tilt/trim stopped working

If the selenoid clicks and there isn't voltage on the motor side of the selenoid,the selenoid is bad. That would be my first shot. Providing there is voltage on the battery side. Also a jummper cable to the motor side will tell you if the motor is ok............Jerry

Well, I know the motor itself is good. As I said above, I am able to short the up solenoid across the big poles and raise the motor just fine. I just can't get it to work from the switch. I haven't had a chance to check anything else yet. I will have time tomorrow (Saturday). Thanks though. All troubleshooting tips accepted!!


Sep 5, 2007
Re: "Up" on the tilt/trim stopped working

Okay, so I finally got to go do some troubleshooting today. Well, I'd been charging the battery for the last couple of days, and when I first went to try things out, everything worked great! The up went just like it should. But it only lasted for another try or two, then it just completely crapped out. I managed to short it to the BLUE wire on the solenoid one time, then it would not do it again. I also found a fuse that was fried, but upon replacing, that did not help it either. Down works great. I even changed the green wire with the blue wire on the solenoids, and the switch checks out fine. So, my diagnosis is, the solenoid is shot. The actual motor still works, but I cannot get power from the switch to the motor. So I will start looking for a new solenoid.

And of course, when I finally resolved this problem, I decided to try and start the motor, since it has been a while, and I really need to put some conditioner in the gas, since I may not be able to get it out in the lake for a bit. Anwyay, it was having a hard time starting. I went back and pumped the ball, and out of the corner of my eye, I noted some gas squirting somewhere. I traced it back to a round "thing" behind (to the rear of) the fuel filter. I haven't had time to try and figure out what this part is, and I ran out of daylight, so I don't know if it's just a loose or old hose connection. I will get back out tomorrow with my troubleshooting partner (my wife) and see what's up with that.

Oh, part number for the solenoid is 8996158. Is this a fairly common part?

Thanks again, and see y'all.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 26, 2006
Re: "Up" on the tilt/trim stopped working

That is a common part........20.00 or so. The gas leak could be a cracked diaphram in the fuel pump, sqirting gas into the block where the pulse comes from, or maybe i'm hulucinatiing.........Jerry


Sep 5, 2007
Re: "Up" on the tilt/trim stopped working

That is a common part........20.00 or so. The gas leak could be a cracked diaphram in the fuel pump, sqirting gas into the block where the pulse comes from, or maybe i'm hulucinatiing.........Jerry

I think you're right that it's the fuel pump...as I look at my Seloc manual. But I'm just not sure where the leak is yet. As I said, I discovered it just as I ran out of daylight. I'll check it out tomorrow. Thanks for the heads up on the solenoid. Nuttin open on Sunday though, so next week for that!


Sep 5, 2007
Re: "Up" on the tilt/trim stopped working

Well, I went out with the wife to run down the point of the gas leak, and the wife tried to pump the bulb and couldn't. I called her a wuss and told her to slide the gas tank closer so I could pump it and watch the motor also. I could not pump it either! I had to apologize to her (dang, hate it when that happens). Anyway, I could not get any gas to pump through so I could not find the leak. So I decided to crank up the engine and see what happens. It fired right up, and ran great. I let it idle there for a few minutes to see if it would spew gas anywhere, and nothing. Just sat there and ran great! Boy, this engine is starting to become haunted!!


Sep 5, 2007
Re: "Up" on the tilt/trim stopped working

Alright, update! Motor fixed. It was the solenoid. $27.00 for a new one, and the motor tilts up and down like it was brand new! Started right up, all is well. Now all I need to do is get her on the lake!!!


Sep 5, 2007
Re: "Up" on the tilt/trim stopped working

Oh, I forgot to add, that while I was diagnosing this problem, part of my diagnosis was with the switch in the throttle handle. I ended up taking the whole little thing apart, and cleaning it up, and the end result was a switch that works like new. Before, when I pressed the "UP", it was kinda "sticky", or sluggish. Now if feels great. Boy, it's amazing what you can learn and how your confidence can build once you start tearing into these things.