Unusual Problem


May 9, 2005
Long time lurker, first time poster....<br /><br />I apologize for this but please bear with me. I got my boat ready for the water this year, I have a 1988 Yamaha 130 outboard hanging off of it. I changed the gear oil, plugs and stats. During the thermostat change I snapped a bolt and had to drill it out and ended up tapping it short and using a larger bolt to hold the housing cover on. <br /><br />I test ran her and had not leaks, she started on the first turn of the key. I took her out that afternoon and she ran great, no problems but I noticed upon my return after she sat for a while a grey / black substance coming from the prop housing. It was oil like. I figured that maybe it was old fog oil or possibly WD-40 from all the work on the tap job I did. <br /><br />Took her out the other day and she stalled out while idling. Had a very hard time starting the engine up and could only do so after advancing the throttle all the way in "cold start" . <br /><br />Since that day she will stall and be very hard to start. I checked the gear oil and found it not to be milky but it is still discharging the grey / black oily substance from the prop ( exhaust )after I run it. It seems to run fine at high RPM's. <br /><br />I was thinking blown lower seals but now I am thinking bad gas from the ethanol sitting in my older ( 1988 ) fuel tank. <br /><br />Any input is appreciated as I am confused, is this an engine problem or a fuel problem. I will be running the engine off of a six gallon tank tomorrow. <br /><br /> Thanks, <br /> Tom


Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: Unusual Problem

By all means, make sure the fuel is fresh. Crud from the prop is typically just exhaust gunk. If the carbs have never been rebuilt, its probably overdue. Start with a compression and spark checks to make sure that's up to snuff. If ok, remove, disassemble the carbs, clean them and all passages thoroughly and reassemble with new kits. Set floats to spec. With air, clean fuel, clean carbs, and spark, it has to run.


May 9, 2005
Re: Unusual Problem

I think I have found the answer... I must have corrupted the seal from the water jacket to the powerhead ( or cylinder ) when I drilled out the bolt. It makes sense to me, she starts when cold but then wont run or restart after it warms up. The thermostats are opening when it gets hot sending water into the jacket and thusly into the cylinder. The question is now,, am I screwed and does this make sense ??


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Unusual Problem

What the heck???<br /><br />Did you copy/paste macojoe's post or did he copy/paste yours?? I cannot believe that you both have identical engines with identical symptoms and have done exactly the same thing to them. . . .then posted identical words.<br /><br />Please set us straight.


May 9, 2005
Re: Unusual Problem

Joe and I both belong to wellcraftv20.com. He was doing me a favor without knowing that I had posted this thread. I am sure he will delete his soon. Good eye and what do you think of my theory ??


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Unusual Problem

See my reply to macojoe's post.<br /><br />Thanks for setting it straight. :)


Master Chief Petty Officer
Sep 17, 2004
Re: Unusual Problem

check your plugs for signs of water.<br />my guess is you have a flooding carb or a bad fuel pump diaphragm. it could also be a bad pot.<br />start with the compression/spark as suggested.