unpaved ramps


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
a lot of the state parks in the south have great fishing lakes with unpaved ramps. back in the early 70s we went to on of these (the whole family) with a 19' cobia 115 johnny, launched no problem, caught fish, great family outing. went to load (69 Ford LTD wagon tow vehicle). no problem loading, went to pull out. nothing moved, just spinning wheels. the trailer had sunk in to the sand, being a y type frame wouldn't move, off load boat, try to pull out, no go. solution disconect. move car up, thank god dad had put the "come along winch" in the car. hook up winch, pull car barkwards. so everyone except mom got in the water to pick up on the trailer while mom winched. had to dry load the boat. and all was well. great memories.


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: unpaved ramps

We carry a half dozen cheap 3' outdoor door mats with us to use at remote launches, they keep the trailer tires from sinking in. Also put one behind each of the drive tires of the tow vehicle, and back onto them at the water's edge. My uncle uses the steel ramps that he has to load the atv into his truck.


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 6, 2001
Re: unpaved ramps

We solve the soft ramp syndrome by taking an inexpensive roll of chain link fence in the back of the truck bed. You can roll the chain link out on the ramp, or just plain sand and its sturdy enough to drive on easily. It provides perfect traction. When you're done, you simply roll it back up. We used to do a lot of beach launching and this worked perfectly.<br /><br />Nav :cool: