Universal Ignition Switch Wiring Diagram?


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Feb 7, 2010
Trust me, I DID search, all over the interwebs and then this forum search box - but am still not really sure...

Restoring an old boat, sourced an Evinrude engine for it (200 V6, pretty old). Now this engine comes with a remote throttle unit but it does NOT have the tilt and trim or ignition switch on the remote.

To make things worse, the engine owner did give me an ignition switch and key - and I've lost the switch! Been hunting for the last couple of days, no idea where it went. I do recall though that it had 4 pins on the back, and replacement switches at Cabelas etc also seem to be 4 pin.

So presuming I get a new 4 pin switch - what exactly do I wire up to those 4 pins?

The boat has been previously stripped completely, no wiring remains and there never was a conventional ignition switch, else it would be an easy matter of reconnecting the existing wires.

You'd think this would be easy but page after page on the net presumes you already have the old wires or is written purely as search engine food but useless to human readers.

Surely there must be some basic, easy to understand universal wiring diagram for a 4 pin ignition switch, somewhere? Or can someone please just tell me what has to be wired to that switch?




Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: Universal Ignition Switch Wiring Diagram?

You are probably looking at ignition switches for an I/O. Outboard switches require more and different configurations.

1) First it has to have the PUSH TO CHOKE feature. You push in on the key while cranking to choke/prime the enigne.
2) Nobody can give you wire color codes accurately since even you don't know the year and model of this engine.
3) The switch for an outboard typically has the following terminals:

C = choke. Push in on the key activates the choke or primer system
S = Starter solenoid. This is the start terminal that energizes the starter solenoid.
A = Accessory. This terminal provides +12 volts to the gauges when the key is on.
B = Battery. This terminal has +12 volts on it via the engine harness.
M = Magneto. This teminal comes from the ignition system on the engine
M = Magneto. This terminal is grounded. When the key is turned off the two M terminals are connected, grounding the ignition which kills the engine.

Normally the heavy red wire in the engine harness goes to the B terminal
The A terminal normally has a purple wire on it from the gauges. No wires from the engine connect here.
The two M terminals have the black wires
You will need to look at the starter solenoid and choke to determine those wire colors.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Feb 7, 2010
Re: Universal Ignition Switch Wiring Diagram?

Thanks Silvertip :)

Yes, my previous boat had an old Johnson 90, which had the ignition switch as part of the remote and you had to push the key in for choke. It also had a tilt and trim switch on the throttle. This engine's remote is purely the throttle and forward/reverse selector, with no electrics on it at all. It's just a piece of cheap plastic *&^% to be honest.

Thing is, the engine was previously mounted on a local long boat, with the driver sitting right next to it. The tilt button for example is a rubberized thing mounted on the side of the actual engine, which is going to be pretty hopeless in the new configuration.

I've already spent too much on this money-pit of a boat but I suspect in the near future a proper OMC controller is gonna have to be paid for... *sigh*

Thanks again.



Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: Universal Ignition Switch Wiring Diagram?

Be careful using the word "universal" ignition switch. There is a big difference between wiring for a magneto system as most two strokes are, and a battery ignition system as I/O and Inboards are. A magneto system requires the two "M" terminals (open circuit for run and closed circuit to stop). An I/O or inboard with a battery ignition switch requires +12 volt on the "I" terminal (run) and open circuit between the B and I terminals to stop. Just because an engine has a battery does not mean it is a battery ignition. Magneto ignitions don't require the battery to run. The battery is used only to spin the starter.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Feb 7, 2010
Re: Universal Ignition Switch Wiring Diagram?

Thanks guys :)

Happily I've managed to source a 2nd hand controller, which has a switch built in. Being 2nd hand it has no diagrams or instructions but this thread will certainly help.