Unhook ALL the tiedowns


May 28, 2003
I was trying to back the boat off of the trailer and it wouldn't budge. I thought that it may be that I'm not backed up enough. So, I signaled for my wife to back it up some more. The transom was very close to going under and the boat wouldn't come off the trailer. One of my kids said, "Dad, the trailer is going sideways. " At that moment I realized that I forgot to take one of the transom tiedowns off. I reached over the boat into the water and flipped the lever on the tiedown. Everything went normal and the boat came off the trailer. I never did find that tiedown.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 27, 2002
Re: Unhook ALL the tiedowns

LOL!!! Cap...it happens to the best. One year in Canada, a place where launching at a remote lake is, to say the least, difficult...we were making preps to launch my boat. So we wouldn't get the truck stuck in the sand, we would unhook the trailer/boat and tie a long length of nylon rope to the trailer and let the truck back it down while we steered the trailer. Well...got the trailer and boat in the water and couldn't push the boat off. Push, push, push. Finally, one big push and off she goes. Pull the trailer up and found out that I forgot to remove the transom saver. Removed the bungee cord but failed to take off the saver. Yeah.....I took a lot of flak for that one.... :D :D