Re: Underpowered or not?
The most common opinion is the more HP the better. I do not subscribe to that theory as it is too simplistic. Boat design, and balance dictate the performance as much or more than HP. In fact in our testing of identicle boats, a v6 performed as well as a v8 if not better. <br /><br />The theory that a bigger motor work less and therefore consumes less is also suspect. The cubic inches and engine running RPMs dictates the fuel consumption. Assuming that the engines are performing correctly. Bigger cylanders suck in more fuel, so even if the throttle is opened less, the cylander requires more.<br /><br />Anyway; the typical power to weight ratio for boats in this size is between 10 lbs per HP and 14 Lbs per HP. Easy enough to calulate. Simply devide the weight by the HP. <br /><br />Now you should consider the load that you carry is heavy then you should compensate for that as well. If the load is to the stern then the balance is not as good and you need to compensate for that as well. The absolute best thing you can do for a boat is install trim tabs which will help keep the boat in balance at all the veriying conditions. <br /><br />Do a search on trim tabs and Smart Tabs for performance information.