Under the Armature plate awaits trouble>>>>>


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 12, 2005
After getting my flywheel off on the '58 Fast Twin 18,I yanked off the armature plate to replace the coils.It looks like I've got a little oil flying around under there, so I'm pretty sure the bearing seal has got to be replaced.I also noticed that around the outside of the plate on the underside,I've got what looks like was a ring of some sort that has disintegrated.There were little pieces everywhere, some still attached to the wheel. Look around the outside of the brass hole. A little better view. The largest piece that was intact? The Seloc manual has no reference to this part at all.Does anyone know what this thing is, or rather,WAS? A part number would be just peachy,since it's going to have to be replaced. I'd love to know what exactly to order.<br />I've cleaned up all of the little shavings that were under the armature plate and around the shaft and bearing.Not sure what exactly happened to produce this result,but I'm confident that I'm in for more work before this thing's ever gonna run again..As always,insight is appreciated.


Jul 30, 2005
Re: Under the Armature plate awaits trouble>>>>>

Looks like my 18 fast twin. Can't help you with the metal pieces, but when you put flywheel back on, make sure you torque the nut to 40 ft/lbs or the flywheel key will shear and you will have to go to the hardware store with the remains, buy at least 2 more, better get 3 (just in case).<br />Don't ask how I know this. :rolleyes: <br /><br />Would you do me a favor and post a picture of the throttle linkage? I seem to have a link that is not connected and for the life of me, I can't figure out where it goes.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 12, 2005
Re: Under the Armature plate awaits trouble>>>>>

Goods words on the flywheel torque. I don't think I have to ask how you came about this particular info.<br />I'll shoot some better photos of the linkage and have them posted in the near future.I've already got a couple of that side of the motor, so maybe this one will help little- Fast Twin<br />I can take a photo of the top of the engine without the flywheel and post it if you need.<br />By the way, do you have electric start? If so,are you using the original wiring connector? I'm not able to find a replacement anywhere, so it looks like I'm gonna use a trailer pig-tail for a quick-connect.

Paul Moir

Nov 5, 2002
Re: Under the Armature plate awaits trouble>>>>>

I've seen several armature plates like that. I think the aluminium was cast around the brass parts and it simply "leaked" around it. I've never seen it so bad a chunk fell off but I'm not suprised to see it.<br />I certainly don't see any parts missing. Some of the older engines had a large wavy washer between the brass ring on the engine and the armature plate, but clearly that's not a chunk of one of them you have. Plus I don't think your engine should have one anyway.


Nov 24, 2001
Re: Under the Armature plate awaits trouble>>>>>

Someone put a piece of "coil metal" around motor boss to cure a wobling armature plate. Not uncommon over here, I.ve done it myselves when there was nothing else left. Do a search here for wobling armature plate and you will find a post from Joe Reeves giving a fine cure. It leaks a little oil, apparently from upper crankshaft seal, but I've seen a lot worse, running fine. It obviously sheared the flywheel key once. You can clean taper a bit with caborumdum floor and oil, and turning flywheel carefully on taper without key in. Be sure to remove all mess afterwards, or all movements will grind where it sits.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 12, 2005
Re: Under the Armature plate awaits trouble>>>>>

Excellent.Good news!I can throw it back together without buying more parts.I install the coils, points,and condensors this week and give an update.Gonna try the trick for the wobbly armature as well.