Re: uggggh
My eldest is in the middle of applying to colleges at the moment and hopefully will be going to one of them next year after he graduates. Two of them are near Rochester and Cleveland.
East side of Cleveland all the way to Rochester and beyond is snowbelt land.
I'm 35 miles west of snowbelt, we get a trace, they get a foot or more. :smow:
Going to school up here.... then home to Florida in the summer? Talk about the worst of both worlds!! :frusty:
If the school is on quarters, fall, spring, and summer up here and winter at home would work, think snowbird.
Home for the holidays, lots of seasonal jobs, and mom and dad can get a break from the summer heat when they visit JR.
My heart goes out to you. Teenagers are the worst, even great ones.
remember, "Grandchildren are God's reward for not killing your children." Erma Bombeck
Time to get the mower deck off and the snowblower, weights and chains on. ugggh