Twin Yamaha 250's out of sync


Seaman Apprentice
Mar 4, 2008
I have twin Yamaha 250 OX66 EFI's. I recently switched out props from 23P SWS II's to some 22P Bravo I's. The engines both run fine, but are now out of sync about 300 RPM's-Port motor is lagging. No outward signs of poor performance, just lagging behind the starboard motor 300 RPM or so. I plan to switch back to the SWS props to see if the proplem may lie with the props (perhaps the pitch's are not identical-they were not bought new) but thought I would ask if there are other likley culprits. Had a similar problem at the start of the season with the starboard motor, but that was determined to be a bad plug leftover from last year.