On my '64 40HP Evinrude BIG Twin, I replaced the prop shaft seal and O ring, new spaghetti seal, and the drive shaft seal under the water pump...the dealer said the seal he provided for the prop shaft would work fine, though it was of similar desgin to the seals below and under the water pump, rather than what was originally in there from '64 that had a much wider surface contact area. I did not replace the plastic O-rings on the drain and fill, though I intend to on this next refill.<br /><br />Here's the situation...I've read what oil should look like by going over the archives, but still haven't come across what describes what mine looks like.<br /><br />I filled things fresh w/ 14 or so oz of new lower unit oil, and ran it more or less at idle in forwards for 30 minutes in a test tank filled w/ water. I then let it set for 30 minutes, and drained things to do an inspection on the oil...it's certainly better than before (but all I had to go on before was draining pure water).<br /><br />What I got, was basically a mixture than could be best described as creamy yellow. <br /><br />My question is, what should it look like...does air infuse itself during the churning process.