Troubleshoot or Disconnect Oil Injection System?

Aug 24, 2009
Just looking for opinions on this one. I have 1997 Johnson 70. Yesterday I fired it up and it shut off on me. Fired it up again and sounded an alarm so I checked the check engine light gauge and was showing no oil so shut down ASAP. Was wondering whether I should even bother to try troubleshooting the VRO system or simply eliminate it and premix. I know a lot of guys disconnected them and premixed from the get go.Wondering what general consensus is.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Dec 6, 2006
Re: Troubleshoot or Disconnect Oil Injection System?

Disconnect it. It is expensive to replace, and can ruin your powerhead if it malfunctions. Get a pre mix bottle to make adding the correct oil easier and cleaner.


Supreme Mariner
Nov 20, 2001
Re: Troubleshoot or Disconnect Oil Injection System?

The oil system on that motor is very robust and the fact that you got an alarm tells you the system is working as designed.

I'm not a fan of removing factory components for the heck of it. Over the years, the oiling systems on my boats have proven to be far more reliable than me given the number of alarms I've set off. Had you not put enough oil in your fuel or forgot to put oil in altogether what alarm would you have gotten? If it turns out you need a new pump then that's something altogether different.

Is it low oil or no oil light?

The low oil light could be something as simple as you forget to put oil in the tank. The no oil alarm comes from the delivery side of the pump. The first thing I would do is pull the oil line at the pump and see if you have a flow of oil. It could be something as simple as a pinched or leaking oil hose or a clogged oil filter. I’d also check the electronics. It could be something as simple as loose connector or a short in a the circuit


Supreme Mariner
Nov 5, 2009
Re: Troubleshoot or Disconnect Oil Injection System?

IMHO, I'd disconnect the oil side of it and premix your fuel 50:1. Have seen to many probs with that vro. Mixing your fuel you know what you have.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 25, 2004
Re: Troubleshoot or Disconnect Oil Injection System?

I am with Dingbat. That system is a real good one. Mix up some premix to run while you diagnose and fix OMS system. An OEM service manual has some tests for it. Something as simple as an air leak, causing the oil line to lose prime, could be your issue.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jan 12, 2008
Re: Troubleshoot or Disconnect Oil Injection System?

Because the engine shut down, and you had a "No Oil" alarm, its likely that the oil side pumping element is binding which prevents air motor movement. This results in no oil and no fuel. I have repaired several but this type of repair requires "oil side" repair and is not recommended.
Its likely the pump will not be useable as is, even for the fuel side....