I have ignition trouble with my 1993 C-115 Yamaha Outboard that has not given me a moments trouble until recently. It started by being hard to crank and now rarely cranks only if you catch it will it have ignition.The few times it has cranked it seem to run fine at idle and once at good throttle.I pulled the safety line and it did die. I have replaced the battery,plugs and checked all fuses and connections for continuity and good connections. Grounds appear tight. No evidence of melted electrical components. I purchased a spark tester and took a chance and purchased a coil for possible replacement. I showed spark on two spark plug wires on one side but did not appear to have a spark on the other two cylinders but unsure. Any ideas as I am stummped as to why sitting in a slip the motor will crank sometime maybe one day to the next with no movement of the boat from the slip. What next I have it scheduled for a doctors visit but do not want to go if I can find it. Thanks