I recently got my first (engine-powered) boat - an 8'10 inflatable. Has a soft floor with a few wooden slats fitted to it for rigidity. It's powered by a 4HP Tohatsu 4-Stroke outboard. The outboard is brand new - about 8-10 hours on it. I have not gone WOT on it yet, keeping it around 1/2 throttle at max.
I can get it up on plane well enough with just myself and some gear (gas can, small cargo box, a couple of lifejackets and a seat pad) however cannot keep it on plane. It seems that once on plane for 30 seconds - 1 minute, the engine will suddenly stop spinning the prop and rev up really high. More than once it has almost thrown me out of the boat/off balance. Once the small wake behind the boat hits the engine, the prop will kick back in and I'll accelerate again, but no longer planing (since the speed died so quickly/drastically).
I'm assuming this is due to the boat/engine cavitating, but not sure why the engine would stop the prop and rev up. I'm assuming that the prop stops also, based on the behavior of the boat - I have no way to look. If I shift my weight to the back, the prop will engage again. I cannot get it on plane while sitting at the back to begin with.
The prop/cavitation plate is a few inches (4 or 5) below the bottom of the boat while the boat is at rest, due to the rather smallish transom on the boat.
Would this be due to the engine not having enough water to suck in to cool itself (because of cavitation), so as a safety it throws it in neutral/stops the prop? If so, what would be the solution for this - lowering the motor (also known as cutting the transom)? Could it be something wrong with the propeller?
This happens on rough and calm waters (though reaching plane on the ocean/with waves is more difficult).
Help please and thanks!
I recently got my first (engine-powered) boat - an 8'10 inflatable. Has a soft floor with a few wooden slats fitted to it for rigidity. It's powered by a 4HP Tohatsu 4-Stroke outboard. The outboard is brand new - about 8-10 hours on it. I have not gone WOT on it yet, keeping it around 1/2 throttle at max.
I can get it up on plane well enough with just myself and some gear (gas can, small cargo box, a couple of lifejackets and a seat pad) however cannot keep it on plane. It seems that once on plane for 30 seconds - 1 minute, the engine will suddenly stop spinning the prop and rev up really high. More than once it has almost thrown me out of the boat/off balance. Once the small wake behind the boat hits the engine, the prop will kick back in and I'll accelerate again, but no longer planing (since the speed died so quickly/drastically).
I'm assuming this is due to the boat/engine cavitating, but not sure why the engine would stop the prop and rev up. I'm assuming that the prop stops also, based on the behavior of the boat - I have no way to look. If I shift my weight to the back, the prop will engage again. I cannot get it on plane while sitting at the back to begin with.
The prop/cavitation plate is a few inches (4 or 5) below the bottom of the boat while the boat is at rest, due to the rather smallish transom on the boat.
Would this be due to the engine not having enough water to suck in to cool itself (because of cavitation), so as a safety it throws it in neutral/stops the prop? If so, what would be the solution for this - lowering the motor (also known as cutting the transom)? Could it be something wrong with the propeller?
This happens on rough and calm waters (though reaching plane on the ocean/with waves is more difficult).
Help please and thanks!