

Jul 26, 2003
trim button work to take itr down but not to raise the trailer swith work it will raise it what can i do to fix it help it's a 1991 mercusier

Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 15, 2002
Re: trim

the trim limit switch is mis adjusted or toast this is the puck on the steering/ gimbal ring where the drive ataches. turn the boat like you are doing a hard right turn w/drive down look for wire along side the water hose on the port side. if it is ok looking loosen the 2 screws on the switch have someone hold trim switch up. you move the switch it is slotted back and forth . does the drive move? if wires are junk you can bypass them this will alow the trim switch to raise drive. bypass switch inside the boat locate the trim pump find the black wires with a blue and green markers attached to blue wires on trim pump. disconect the black ones and jump the blues together at the pump. some people might wine and say you will over rev but that is wrong the drive will just come out to far and blow out then over rev major loss of speed just dont do that. when bellows fail in coming years replace senders at that time.