Re: Trim/Tilt Motor removal
Joe, I am not completely sure the electric motor is faulty to tell you the truth. Went out one day and when I hit the switch up or down all it did was click. Popped the top off of the electric motor to see that the braided wire attatching one of the brushes to the motor was corroded through at the contact point. I saudered that back, put the top back on and she was good to go... for a while. Went back out couple of trips later and nothing, not even a click. Popped the top again and saw that where the black wire connects to the inside top of the motor was halfway worn through as well as my saudering job on the brush was not going to last. I cannot get in to the close quarters to sufficiently sauder the wires; I think if I could get the a new brush saudered in correctly along with the black wire, i might be back in business. I would love to have your thoughts on the whole scenario, and thanks for your response.<br /><br />Also, DHP thank you; i called some electric motor shops in my area to see if they could rebuild the motor but to no avail. Did not think about a starter shop. Will definitely have to try what you talked about. thanks to both.