Trim Tabs issue with my SeaRay


May 12, 2004
Let me start by saying I appreciate the knowledge people share on these boards and would appreciate any helpful info people want to share.<br /><br />I recently purchased a 1993 SeaRay 230 Sundancer LTD. The boat has everything me and my family have been looking for in our price range, although have recently found out the reason to go with a V8 instead of a V6, but that is probably another topic for discussion. <br /><br />Once on plane, (yes it would be quicker with a V8 I know) the boat pulls hard to the left to a point where it is uncomfortable and I have to pull off the throtle and come off plane. The boat has trim tabs and I have been told I am going to need to learn how to use them. <br /><br />I am OK with that and tried to do so, and the first time was a disaster. The boat was acting so erradically that there were a few times I was afraid we were going to role it!<br /><br />I later realized that part of the problem is that the right tab moves 4 to 5 times faster then the left tab. Trying to compensate for this has proven very difficult. <br /><br />I took the boat to a Marina for some other work to be done and asked them to take a look at the tabs to see what was wrong. I was informed that the hydrolic pump was mounted to far from the back of the boat and off center and that the pressure is being lost in the distance the fluid needs to travel to the left tab which is accounting for the speed difference. <br /><br />Could this be the issue, and if so would additional hydrolic fluid fix the problem since it is supposed to be a closed system? If so would moving the mount to the back of the boat in the center fix the problem? Seemed like an odd answer to me, but I am not a mechanic.<br /><br />In addition if anyone has any thoughts or knowledge about how to get the boat on plane and keep it there I would love to hear it. I know I have a water tank and 2 batteries all on the same side (left), and the boat seems to be sensative to that. I have been told to invest in a hydrofoil, but the same Marina said that it would slow the boat down significantly and risk over working the already over worked V6.<br /><br />Help! I want to enjoy my boat, but I am just puttering around the lake now because of fear of not being able to control the boat.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Feb 16, 2004
Re: Trim Tabs issue with my SeaRay

I would first check the issue with the boat pulling to left by raising the tabs as high as the will go (rendering them ineffective). If it still pulls hard left, adjust the trim tab on the lower unit by loosening the bolt and moving the trailing edge toward the right a little at a time until there is no more steering torque. Then try to deploy the tabs and see if the problem returns. If the problem is caused by the tabs, then I defer advice to one of the tab experts on the board.


Master Chief Petty Officer
May 12, 2004
Re: Trim Tabs issue with my SeaRay

Brian, I'll agree with Quantumleap on the trim tab anode on the outdrive. The "trim tabs" should get you on plane if you deploy them "Down" on hole shot to bring the bow of the boat down and slowly bring them up as you accelerate to WOT. Then very slight adjustments to level your ride, too much tabs will drive the bow down and result in the boat "Bow Steering" practice,practice. Also try to keep your load balanced and as forward as you can.You also should trim the outdrive up slightly to find your best attitude and speed at WOT being careful not to bring it to a point where the motor over revs. As you slow down and the bow comes up slowly put the tabs down again. Good Luck<br />PS: My SeaRay has the Joystick type tab control and there are six positions North= bow down South=bow up EastNE=Starboard up eastSe=Starboard Down WestNW=Port up and WestSW= Port down but if you have the keypad control its self explanitory.


May 12, 2004
Re: Trim Tabs issue with my SeaRay

Funny you both metion the trim tab anode. Mine is completely worne down. I purchased a replacement from the marina mentioned above and they stated that if my boat has power steering (not sure it does)that it would make no difference at all and that mfg's were now replacing the trim anode with a flat disc. Based on that I did not bother replacing it yet. I will do that this week and see if that makes a difference.<br /><br />My tabs have the 2 rocker switches port and stbd bow up and down. Understand how to get them to work, have had success on other boats I have driven, but the speed difference between the 2 is what is making things diffucult.<br /><br />Thanks for the replies, I will add the anode and reply back with results. Anyone have any thoughts on the other issue of the mounting of the pump and how that may affect the speed of the tabs?

delta breeze

Petty Officer 3rd Class
Apr 25, 2004
Re: Trim Tabs issue with my SeaRay

Hey Brian,<br /> On the issue of the left and right Tabs.One operating faster than the other.The Hydraulic sytem is a pressure system.If one of the hoses to either tab is longer than the other ths will cause a psi differance in the system.the tab with the shorter line would probably operate quicker.Just a scenerio that i have ran into in the aviation industry.Let us know how it turns out? Delta Breeze.


Master Chief Petty Officer
May 12, 2004
Re: Trim Tabs issue with my SeaRay

Brian, Delta makes a good point about the lengh of the hydraulic lines if both are the same length the pump should work evenly on each side.they are usually plastic with a simple compression fitting into the pump.<br />PS: don't paint the trim anode its obviously been doing what it's supposed to. see if your motor has a power steering pump attached and check the belt and fluid if it does.<br />I also found these instructions on another post,Your mileage may vary<br />On your outdrive, there is likely a small anode trim tab or 'fin' that sits behind the propeller. It is normally mounted to the bottomside of the caviation plate.<br /><br />If you do not have one of these, I recommend you purchase one and install it. If it IS present, you may wish to adjust it to help with the listing issues. On top of the cavitation plate you should see a small black plastic or rubber disk. Pop that out with a screwdriver. With the proper size socket, loosen the bolt down in there. This bolt holds the anode tab in place. Since your boat is listing to port, I recommend that you crank the trailing edge of the trim tab to the right and then retighten the bolt. Cranking the tab to the right will correct a left list at cruise speed. You will only need to move the trailing edge of the tab approximately 1 centimeter, unless your list is severe. Some experimentation will likely be necessary until you get the tab properly cranked the way you need it. <br /><br />I would be very suprised if this does not fix your listing problem while underway.

Jdeagro Partner
Jul 30, 2003
Re: Trim Tabs issue with my SeaRay

Check to see if the trim tabs are made by Bennett<br />If so contact them directly. I suspect that the length of the hoses are not a big issue when it comes to tab reaction speed. It is more likely that the Hydraulic actuator is not working properly.

Boatin Bob

Lieutenant Commander
Sep 24, 2001
Re: Trim Tabs issue with my SeaRay

I don't think the hose length is the problem either, once the system is primed and pressurized they should work the same unless a valve or something in the pump unit is restricting flow on one side. If you think about a car, there could be different lengths of hydraulic lines but one brake doesn't work faster than the other. You should definitely send an e-mail to Bennett (if they are Bennett's) and talk with Tom McGow.....they have an excellent customer service dept and will do anything to get you fixed up.

Tabman Partner
Feb 21, 2002
Re: Trim Tabs issue with my SeaRay

Brian,<br /><br />Atually the tubing length can make a diffrence and if the lengths are very unequal they can cause a speed diffrence in the two Tabs. This is due to the single acting nature of the system and the small size of the tubing. Once and a while a builder forgets or a field repair is made and the tubing is far longer on one side then the other.<br /><br />It is much less likely to be an actuator (cylinder) or power unit issue. <br /><br />If you send how much tubing you need to correct the problem I will send it to you, no charge along with new fittings. Just send your address to me at and I will send it right out to you. This will likely get you back to runnning normally.<br /><br />Tom McGow<br />Bennett Marine


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Feb 14, 2004
Re: Trim Tabs issue with my SeaRay

Hey brian I just bought a 1995 23 da. I moved up from a 19ft cuddy and the feel of the boat is alot different.I've only had it out 3 times now but tabs are new to me.I believe your model comes standard with power steering. Its probably a combination of the 2 thats giving you the out of control feeling.I know I had it. The power steering is the worst part. Maybe I'll get used to it, but if your used to a boat without you may tend to oversteer because your not feeling any pressure on the steering wheel. First 2 times out I left the tabs up and did not use them at all,and just tried to get a feel for the first couple of times docking where a bit scarry but its actualy easier in a cross wind because of the weight.last time out (yesterday)I started playing with the tabs.Tabman left a postlast week with a link to bennets web site. I downloaded a simulator and played around with that to get an idea on how they work (THANKS TOM!!).The hardest part with the Tabs is remebering witch you have in what position.I'd suggest you try going out a few times without using your tabs. to get used to how the boat feels,then when yor used to it start using it to fine tune your trim. I'm pretty sure your tabs are bennetts,they where what searay instaled(unless aftermarket).Hope you get to feel more comfortable driving it. I also noticed a slight drop to left,with 2 batteries and 11 gallons of water over there it adds up to 200lbs on port-stern, a quik shot to tab button(bow down right ) solves this until someone starts moving around again. You can donload owners manual for you boat at sea ray's web site.<br /><br /> keep boating!<br /> :p Jim

Jdeagro Partner
Jul 30, 2003
Re: Trim Tabs issue with my SeaRay

Hi Tom;<br /><br />I learn something new every day, actually most of it is what I forget from the day before. Sorry if I misled anyone.


Master Chief Petty Officer
May 12, 2004
Re: Trim Tabs issue with my SeaRay

Brian, Tabman to the rescue again! Now thats customer service above and beyond the call of duty.


May 12, 2004
Re: Trim Tabs issue with my SeaRay

Tabman Thank you for the kind offer. I will do some measurments this weekend and let you know what the measurements are. Also if you can send me the link to the simulater Cuzner mentioned I think that may help.<br /><br />Cuzner - I think you are right the about the power steering, I haven't validated I actually have it yet, I have the owners manual in a box somewhere, but there is no resistance in the wheel so I know I am oversteering especially at low speeds.<br /><br />I appreciate everyones helpfulness and willingness to respond to my post. Looking forward to this weekend and getting her up on plane and keeping her there!


May 12, 2004
Re: Trim Tabs issue with my SeaRay

Yikes this was about to drop off the list for inactivity and I do not want that to happen so I am posting this to keep it on the message board until after this weekend when I add the Trim annonde and measure the Trim tab hosing.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 25, 2004
Re: Trim Tabs issue with my SeaRay

Brian, The zinc anode will never cause your boat to pull hard in any direction. You may be experiencing "Bow Steer", where your hull influences the steering of the boat. This is caused by either the motor and/or trim tabs "driving" the bow down more than the design of the boat can tolerate, or a warped (hooked) hull. The test is to raise the tabs all the way up. Check them with your hand and a straight edge to be sure they are above the bottom of the boat. Now get the boat on plane. If it pulls, raise the motor trim. If it clears up, your hull is good. Now try the tabs. If the problem resumes, the tabs are out of adjustment or damaged. <br /><br />I do not believe the length of the pressure line will cause one tab to move faster. It is more likely air in the longer line which causes the tab to be spongy.

Tabman II

Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jul 12, 2002
Re: Trim Tabs issue with my SeaRay

Brian O,<br /><br />Hi, just checking in to see if you had a chance to check the lenght of your longest hydraulic line or not. Please get back to us with your findings, so we can ship you a new length of tubing & fittings to equal them up on both sides!<br /><br />I look forward to your reply.<br /><br />Sincerely,<br />MJ Thomas<br />Bennett Marine, Inc.<br />Client Services<br /> <br />


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Feb 14, 2004
Re: Trim Tabs issue with my SeaRay

Hey Brian ,Don't forget about fluid capaciities for your new boat.With 1 block of in ice box,you can only get 2 bottles of wine plus 8 beer.Enjoy the weekend and let us know how you made out.<br /><br /><br /> Jim :D


May 12, 2004
Re: Trim Tabs issue with my SeaRay

Just wanted to let everyone know that I added the annode trim to my stern drive this weekend and what a difference. I was surprised that a piece that is designed to be eaten away would have such a difference, but wow! I will be making sure I always have a full one in place.<br /><br />Took the boat out on Saturday and stayed until Sunday night and drove all over the lake and the boat went on plain and stayed there without listing or rolling to the left. This was all without the use of the trim tabes. Sunday I had a few more people on the boat and once on plane she stayed stright! What a joy to be able to go faster then 10mph and not feel like you are going to roll!<br /><br />One thing I do have to say is that with 5 people on the boat it took a while to finally get on plane so I am definately going to need to start using the trim tabs.<br /><br />Tabman - Question for you. In looking at where the pump is mounted now and where I would move it to there is not a good location were I can get it on the transom and be centered. Is it OK to be on one side or the other? Today it is on the bow side of the engine compartment on the starboard side, which you and the Marina I went to agreed would casue the port tab to be slow. Would moving it to the stern side of the engine compartment but still on the starboard side help? Let me know, I didn't take any measurements because I was not sure if mouting it one one side would help or not.


May 12, 2004
Re: Trim Tabs issue with my SeaRay

Just wanted to let everyone know that I added the annode trim to my stern drive this weekend and what a difference. I was surprised that a piece that is designed to be eaten away would have such a difference, but wow! I will be making sure I always have a full one in place.<br /><br />Took the boat out on Saturday and stayed until Sunday night and drove all over the lake and the boat went on plain and stayed there without listing or rolling to the left. This was all without the use of the trim tabes. Sunday I had a few more people on the boat and once on plane she stayed stright! What a joy to be able to go faster then 10mph and not feel like you are going to roll!<br /><br />One thing I do have to say is that with 5 people on the boat it took a while to finally get on plane so I am definately going to need to start using the trim tabs.<br /><br />Tabman - Question for you. In looking at where the pump is mounted now and where I would move it to there is not a good location were I can get it on the transom and be centered. Is it OK to be on one side or the other? Today it is on the bow side of the engine compartment on the starboard side, which you and the Marina I went to agreed would casue the port tab to be slow. Would moving it to the stern side of the engine compartment but still on the starboard side help? Let me know, I didn't take any measurements because I was not sure if mouting it one one side would help or not.

Tabman II

Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jul 12, 2002
Re: Trim Tabs issue with my SeaRay

Brian O,<br /><br />Really, all we need to do is replace the short line with one that is the same length as the long side and just coil up the extra either at the HPU or by the actuator, so you don't have to move the HPU at all. Now, if you want to move the HPU to center of your transom, then get back to me with the length of tubing you will need for this and I will see what we can do for you!<br /><br />I look forward to your reply.<br /><br />Sincerely,<br />MJ Thomas<br />Bennett Marine, Inc.<br />Client Services<br /><br />