Trim /steering question


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 27, 2001
A friend of mine recently replaced his propeller with a diferent pitch.<br /><br />Since the swap his boat has a tendency to pull to the right, and quite hard.<br /><br />I suggested he adjusted the trim tab.<br /><br />He discussed this with the mechanics at the marina and they said it is not the trim tab, but the stering which needs tightening, as they loosened it. As the steering resistance hasn't changed in my friends opinion, I still think it is the trim tab that requires adjusting. The pull is quite severe. Do you think this is a good prognosis? Can you get different size tabs if the adjustment is at maximum.<br /><br />Mechanics where I live in Oman are not the best in the world as you may see from other posts.<br /><br />Thanks


Supreme Mariner
Dec 27, 2002
Re: Trim /steering question

Hi's things in Oman?<br /><br />Need to address a couple things here.<br /><br />Usually, turning the trim tab will will help curb the torque of the motor to the right. Looking at the trim tab from the rear, turn the tab in the direction of the torque or to the right. <br /><br />Now let's talk about the prop change. To get that much torque from changing the prop would mean to me your friend has put a prop of smaller pitch on and has gained significant rpm to cause the sever torque you are talking about. Do you know what the rpm gain was after the change? Please check as he may have gone above the rated rpm for the engine and may be over revving the engine at WOT. Also, please post make and model number of engine so that we can get an idea of the operating range for the engine. Thanks!!