Trim pump refill and fraged impeller


Sep 22, 2008
I have a 94 four winns that is part OMC and part Volvo (transition year)
I'm in the process of replacing the trim lines. The pump is mounted on the transom and the reservoir is on top with a red fill pull half way down (see picture). How should I reill this? To what level? Is there a special process?

Part two: and the reason for the replacement is that the impeller fraged on me andc the engine got hot.. no match for thin plasticized rubber resting on a hot exhaust manifold.
I have foune some pieces in the hoses coming out if the pump and to the power stearing cooler. Also in pulled a couple parts from the cooler. Is there somewhere else I would need to get the impeller pieces out of?

Thanks for any infomation.


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Sep 22, 2008
Re: Trim pump refill and fraged impeller


So, I was able to remove the old trim lines that go into the transom. Dealer wanted to pull motor to do this.. I sacrificed a 11 mm deep socket and cut a notch simular to a line wrench and then cut 1/2 the wall off the lenth. I was able to use a universal and a long extention to get back in the and take them off. To replace I found it was important to routw the lines exactly how they were in order to line them up straight.

For the trim pump I called some people and polled a couple of guys to find out that the outdrive should be down, and to use a squirt bottle into the hole to fill. In the pic the fill is halfway down the so that you cannot overfill it... genius.

I pulled all the hoses off the moter and got impeller parts out of a few of them. Checked the Power steering cooler and the themostat housing.
I ran the bout today and the gauge did not read anything, it starts at 120,

My question is how hot should the 94 four winns 3.0 l OMC/Cobra run at?
Is there someway to verify I have all the impeller parts out so I can stop being paranoid?

Thanks for any help..


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Trim pump refill and fraged impeller

My question is how hot should the 94 four winns 3.0 l OMC/Cobra run at?
Is there someway to verify I have all the impeller parts out so I can stop being paranoid?

Ayuh,.... About 140?, or 160?, depending on which T-Stat....

If it Ain't Overheatin',... I'd guess you got 'em,.... Back-Flushing while it was apart would have been appropriate...


Sep 22, 2008
Re: Trim pump refill and fraged impeller


Seems like when it was running hot the temp gauge worked, but now it will not go over 120 (lowest reading on guage)

Does anyone have a link that explains the back flushing process?