After installing replacement water pump I was doing some clean up and readying to lower the engine to fill the gear box. Wouldn't trim down so started to troubleshoot. Found that the harness going into the trim motor had some bare wires just as it goes into the ferrel fitting and had shorted out. Could feel the heat in the supply cable and connector.Have it fused but didn't blow??? I don't think that it is a cable connector going in the side of the motor but just a grommet type fitting so I guess I would have to disassemble the motor housing, 2 long bolts, and pop the top plate off the motor housing. <br /><br />My question is what is going to spring out of there when I open it up? How hard is it to get it all back in place? Will I need to worry about pressure release and engine droping?<br /><br />Once in there can the bad wires be cutoff, good wiring from the harness pulled in and new terminals installed? Are the wires terminated with eyes or? Would new terminals be available in an auto parts store?<br /><br />My Seloc manual doesn't show anything but a line drawing of the outside and is completely silent on disassembly of the motor. Think they think it is a unit replacement. I figure that since it won't work as is then I really have nothing to lose by opening it up.<br /><br />Anyone have a picture of the trim motor assembly? Mine looks like a Prestolite pump.<br /><br />Need to get back in the water for 4th July. Thanks for any help.