I have been having one problem after another.<br /><br />Yes I am new to boating owner and I purchased an old boat, so I was excepting to be putting money and time into the boat.<br /><br />When I purchased the boat the trim worked fine, I power washed the interior because it was nasty.<br /><br />Now the trim will not bring the motor up. I am figuring that there is a switch that I can replace to fix it. But the trim motor will lower the unit and the trailer feature will bring the motor up.???
<br /><br />Oh Ya, it is a 1987 Sunbird, 18ft, Eurosport, 3.7L 165hp, Alpha One I/O.<br /><br />A side note: I posted a bent fin the other day, my friend lower my unit into the ground and lifted the boat of the ground with the motor and bent my fin below the prop. I am not sure if the trim broke then or when I power washed the boat.<br /><br />Thanks in Advance,<br />Shawn