OK, I've spent the obligatory 15 minutes searching this site for my answer before starting another topic, but I wasn't able to find anything on trim motors for my '75 Merc 1150. After spending over an hour wading around in 58 degree water trying to get my $#%!ing boat over to the $#%@ing launch ramp without the aid of the engine as the trim is stuck in the highest position I got it over to my local marina who tells me the trim motor is completely pooched and I'm looking at spending $300 on a new one as they can't be rebuilt. As I was more concerned about recovering from the severe hypothermia that had set in I didn't argue and just went home to take a hot shower.<br /><br />So, is this true about not being able to rebuild them? Unfortunately I didn't get his definition of pooched however I know there was power getting to the trim motor and when i pushed trim up I would hear an audible click and upon trim down there'd be nothing. I thought it was just the solenoid, but apparently not. If it indeed can't be rebuilt, where's a good place to check out prices? I checked out the marine mega mall here but didn't find anything.